Integration of industry resources, hand-in-hand inclusive development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-02-23

    On the afternoon of February 22, the 2023, co-founder and general manager of Yan Yu Capital, reishi Fangda Talent Technology Group Co. , Ltd. . Co-founder, Senior Vice President Huang Bin and his party 3 have come to Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Exchange Forum. Zeng bin, secretary-general of the Institute and Director of the Center for Medical Integration and innovation, and Freya Lim, deputy secretary-general of the Institute and vice director of the Center, participated in the symposium. At the meeting, all parties actively tap the points of cooperation and fully explore innovative cooperative service models.


  Zhen Yu capital Li said that his company has always been committed to the management of senior talents in the bio-pharmaceutical industry and actively promoting the translation of high-quality early scientific and technological achievements into the ground. It is sure to form complementary advantages with the society and hopes to cooperate in depth, ultimately achieve win-win results for both sides.


Reishi Fangda talent technology group Huang introduced the company's advanced management experience in talent services, and said that the two sides can make full use of their platform advantages, innovation and cooperation mechanisms, to provide higher quality personnel services for the bio-pharmaceutical industry.


Secretary-general Zeng bin stressed that he hoped to take this symposium as an opportunity to deepen the cooperation mechanism and refine the content of cooperation. The society will also continue to serve the biomedical industry, Link projects, build platforms, expand channels, promote inclusive development, and play a positive role in the development of local industries.
