Focus on oral health and have a bright smile
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-03-15

  On the occasion of the "World Oral Health Day" on March 20, in order to popularize oral health knowledge and enhance residents' awareness of oral health care, on the morning of March 15, the Xiyuan Community Health Service Center of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone and the Oral Quality Control Sub-center of Hi-tech Zone jointly carried out oral health free clinic activities at the Binhe Community Health Service Station of Xiyuan, Hi-tech Zone.



  The theme of this activity is "Be proud of healthy oral cavity", and the sub-theme is "Pay attention to oral health and have a bright smile all your life". Dental experts from the First People's Hospital of Chengdu are invited to the site to provide health education and free clinic for residents in the area. The event site provided free blood pressure measurement, blood sugar measurement and oral basic examination. The experts patiently explained the characteristics of oral diseases, the impact of oral health on systemic diseases, the daily maintenance of oral health and other knowledge to the residents attending the event, and put forward targeted oral health care and treatment suggestions to the residents attending the visit, reminding the residents to pay attention to oral health, and achieve prevention first, early detection, early treatment Timely remove oral pain and hidden dangers. The event received more than 300 people for consultation, 160 people for free blood pressure and blood glucose measurements, and more than 800 copies of promotional materials were distributed free of charge.





  The implementation of this free clinic activity has further popularized oral hygiene knowledge and effectively improved residents' health awareness. The center will continue to carry out a series of free clinic activities, strive to create a good atmosphere of advocating health and participating in health, and protect the health of residents in the area.