Zhang Yongcheng, Vice president of Tiger Pharma, and his delegation visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association for exchange and discussion.
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-05-10

On the morning of May 8, 2023, Zhang Yongcheng, vice president of Tigerpharma and five people visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association for exchange and discussion. Zeng Bin, secretary general of the Society and director of the Medical and Industrial Integration Collaborative Innovation Center, Ai He, Vice Secretary general and deputy director of the Medical and Industrial Integration Collaborative Innovation Center, and Lin Fan and other 5 members of the society attended the symposium. The exchange strengthened mutual understanding and explored cooperation opportunities.640.jpg

Zhang Yongcheng, Vice President of the company, said that the company has been committed to creating an integrated biomedical research and development service platform, and its business has covered 50 countries in five continents, committed to solving the most challenging global health problems and meeting the unfulfilled medical needs of patients. And hope to combine the advantages of the institute's resources, in-depth cooperation, and ultimately achieve win-win results for both sides.

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During the discussion, the two sides discussed ways of cooperation in clinical resources, hoping to take this opportunity to deepen the cooperation mechanism, refine the cooperation content, and play a positive role in building a circle and strong chain for the development of high-tech medicine and health industry.640 (2).jpg