A delegation led by Executive Vice President of Education and Science Committee of Western Returned Scholars Association of Sichuan visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association for exchange and discussion
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-05-12

In the afternoon of May 11, 2023, Fan Huakun, Executive Vice President of Education and Science Committee of Western Returned Scholars Association of Sichuan, Vice President and Secretary General of Franco-German Branch, Li Lichuan, project manager of Chengdu Regional Innovation Center of Astrazeneca Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and two other people visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association for exchange and discussion. Zeng Bin, secretary general of the Society and director of the Medical and Industrial Integration Collaborative Innovation Center, Lin Fan, deputy secretary general and deputy director of the Medical and Industrial Integration Collaborative Innovation Center, and other 5 members of the society attended the symposium. The exchange strengthened mutual understanding and explored opportunities for cooperation.6401111.png

Vice Chairman Fan Huakun said: At present, the main work of Western Returned Scholars Association of Sichuan and French and German Branch is to strengthen the contact with the organizations of overseas students in France and Germany and the returned overseas students, play the role of assistant for the work of the returned overseas students, undertake the functions of learning and education, talent training, friendship, making friends, offering suggestions, social services, foreign exchanges and so on, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields. And hope to combine the advantages of the university resources, mutual sharing, establish cooperation.6402222.png

During the discussion, the two sides discussed ways of international exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as medicine, science, research and production, hoping to take this opportunity to further establish a multi-form industrial chain cooperation mechanism and play a positive role in the development of the high-tech pharmaceutical and health industry.