Changrui new biological carrier inauguration ceremony, society leaders were invited to attend
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-07-12


On July 11, the 2023 of Changrui Biotechnology (Chengdu) Co. , Ltd. “Platform for biopharmaceutical development and evaluation and pilot-scale service” was officially completed and the inauguration ceremony was held. Freya Lim, deputy secretary-general of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, was invited to attend the ceremony and cut the ribbon.


During the ceremony, chairman Yang Chun and general manager Deng Fei delivered speeches detailing Changrui's development layout and carrying capacity. Li Wang Feng, general consultant of Changrui bio-r & D; Zeng Xianyin, Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Sichuan Agricultural University; Shen Shaowei, chairman of Aiyongxingchen Life Health Management Group; Yan Huaichao, deputy general manager of Chengdu Tianfu International bio-city Development Group Co. , Ltd. and Deputy Director of the Industry Department of the management committee; One after another to the future of the long rui biological blessing. More than 120 people witnessed the opening ceremony of the new carrier.


As an enterprise member of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, Changrui Biology has maintained a good strategic cooperative relationship with the Association for a long time, on July 18,2022, the two sides jointly established the base for medical and pharmaceutical integration and innovation and the base for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in biopharmaceutical drugs, and committed themselves to building a platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, we will make full use of our resources and professional abilities in the field of biomedicine to further accelerate the innovation and development of the biomedicine industry.长睿授牌.png

Changrui biotechnology (Chengdu) Co. , Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Changrui Biology”) was 2021 established in Chengdu Tianfu International Biological City, it consists of a team of well-known virologists, immunologists and senior engineers in biopharmaceutical development, is the western native has the new product output ability“The carrier medicine development and the macromolecule biological medicine CRDMO one-stop service” enterprise. To provide customers from DNA to IND stage of a one-stop vaccine, oncolytic virus, Gene and cell therapy drug structure screening and construction, drug performance evaluation, macromolecular biological drug industrialization research and development and production process optimization, Project Registration, project management, quality system construction and pre-validation services. We are committed to creating a“One-stop service platform for carrier drug development, incubation and macromolecule biopharmaceutical R & D and production”.