Integration of resources, inclusive development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-07-27

On the morning of July 27,2023 Huang Lin, chairman of Chongqing Jiasiteng Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. , and four others visited Chengdu high-tech Medical Association to exchange views. Zeng bin, secretary-general of the Society and Director of the Center for Medical Integration and innovation, and Freya Lim, deputy secretary-general and director of the center, attended the symposium. The exchange enhanced mutual understanding and explored cooperation opportunities.


Huang Lin, chairman of the board, said the company has been committed to building the industry's leading organoid full-scene application platform, combined with precision medical matching drugs, benefit patients and serve the community. And hope to learn the advantages of resources, in-depth cooperation, and ultimately achieve a win-win situation for both sides. During the discussion, the two sides discussed the ways of cooperation in clinical resources and academic promotion, hoping to take this as an opportunity to deepen the cooperation mechanism and refine the content of cooperation, it will play an active role in building a strong chain for the high-tech medical and health industry.