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Re-walk the Long March Road to a new journey-The party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association held a theme party day and trade union activities
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-04-23

    In order to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out thematic educational activities, cultivate and practice socialist core values, strengthen patriotic education in the new era, and carry forward the red revolutionary spirit, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association invited representatives from the Health Bureau of the high-tech Zone, the Xiaojiahe Street and the new north community, with all the staff to the Long March of the Red Army Qionglai City Museum to carry out the long march to the new journey theme party day and trade union activities.


Flowers for the martyrs, mourning for the faithful soul

    All the comrades came to the memorial hall and presented flower baskets to the martyrs in the Memorial Square One after another, remembering the martyrs and recalling the oath of joining the party, visit the Red Army Pavilion, the Soviet ruins in Shita District, the exhibition hall and the Digital Exhibition Hall of the Sichuan Red Army's Long March. Through the cultural relics left by the Red Army in Qionglai City, visitors can gain an in-depth understanding of the red history of the cradle of the revolution, listening to the lecturers introduce the heroic deeds of many revolutionary martyrs has enhanced everyone's patriotism and sense of national honor.


A hundred years of struggle, a new voyage

    Zeng bin, Secretary of the party branch, arranged for the party branch of the Society to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the party; invited teachers from the Party School of the party committee of Chengdu to give lectures on the party, and led everyone to review the hard struggle history of the Communist Party of China, the deeds of the Red Army in the anti-japanese war in Sichuan have enhanced people's in-depth understanding of the party and strengthened their faith in following the party forever.

Practice the spirit of the Long March and retrace its steps

    Organized by the trade union of the Learned Society, all the comrades were divided into four groups to experience the 2.5-kilometer long march on the spot and feel the years when the revolutionary forefathers were burning with passion, learn the Seek truth from facts and innovative spirit of Lai Shan.


    During this thematic party day event, through listening to party lectures, studying party history and re-embarking on the long march, all comrades have experienced a spiritual baptism. While deeply remembering the great achievements of the revolutionary forefathers, they will also pass on the revolutionary spirit, in our work, adhere to the original purpose, the implementation of the mission, for the high-tech Health Industry and industry high-quality coordinated development of the industry to contribute force.