Inheriting Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology and Promoting the Advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chengdu High tech Medical Association Successfully Held a Training Course on Appropriate Traditional Chinese Medicine Techniques
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-06-29

On the afternoon of June 29, 2023, hosted by the Chengdu High tech Medical Association, in order to further enhance the service capabilities and clinical skills of traditional Chinese medicine personnel, leverage the role of traditional Chinese medicine technology in maintaining and promoting people's health, and take into account the problems and weaknesses in traditional Chinese medicine skills in various medical institutions, The "Training Course on Appropriate Technical Skills for Traditional Chinese Medicine" organized by the Simulated Medicine Special Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association has ended at the Medical Simulation Center of Chengdu First People's Hospital.


The opening ceremony of the training was welcomed by Zeng Yunlan, the person in charge of the Medical Simulation Center, and Ai He, the Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High tech Medical Association. They introduced the detailed situation of the Medical Simulation Center and the purpose and significance of this training to the students, allowing them to have a deeper understanding of the operation of traditional Chinese medicine skills and promoting the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine.

This training invited Professor Zheng Xu, Professor Liu Zhongxing, Professor Ouyang Jianbin, and the education supervisor and core teacher of the Medical Simulation Center from Chengdu First People's Hospital to give lectures to the students. This training adopts a small class practical operation mode, covering suitable techniques of traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in clinical practice, including acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, cupping, scraping, ear point therapy, bloodletting therapy, acupoint catgut embedding, etc. Through systematic, coherent, and standardized training, the focus is on improving students' hand movement ability and clinical thinking ability.





Through this training, the practical application ability of suitable techniques for traditional Chinese medicine has been effectively improved among the students. Under the guidance of the teachers, the trainees actively participate in various operations, greatly enhancing their interest in learning. The students will learn to apply them in their future work, so that the unique techniques of traditional Chinese medicine can benefit the people!