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Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Party branch, the work of Xiao Jiahe Street and Xinbei Community Affirmation
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-06-30

    On June 29 and 30, 2023, Xiaojiahe Street and Xinbei community in Chengdu High-tech Zone respectively carried out the "July 1" theme activities to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the party building work of the Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was highly recognized and affirmed by the street and community.

    The Party branch of the Society was invited to participate in the "July 1" theme activities of Xinbei community, and the academic activities Department sang "Never Forget the original Heart" on behalf of the society, showing the style of the party members of the society; Party member representatives Long Guiying and Zhou Juecqiao won the title of "the most beautiful Communist Party Member" in New Taipei community.Zhang Qili, deputy secretary of the Party branch of the Society, won the first place in the local lecturer competition of the grassroots "Micro Party School" in Xiaojiahe Street, was invited to participate in the "July 1" theme activity in Xiaojiahe Street, and was hired as a local lecturer in Xiaojiahe Street.

    The representatives of the award-winning party members have said that under the leadership of the party organizations in their districts, they will continue to play the exemplary role of the vanguard of party members, constantly improve themselves in their work, and contribute their own strength to the high-quality development of the society.


Party member representatives sang "Never Forget the Original Heart" at the Xinbei Community "July 1" theme activity


Party representatives Long Guiying and Zhou Juiqiao won the Xinbei Community

"The most beautiful Communist Party member" title


Zhang Qili, deputy secretary of the Party branch, participated in the local lecturer competition of Xiaojiahe Street "Micro Party School"


Zhang Qili, deputy secretary of the party branch, was hired as a local lecturer at the "Micro Party School" in Xiaojiahe Street