Shenzhen Guangming District Health Industry and medical association leaders to Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Exchange and Learning Symposium
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-07-19

On the morning of July 19, a group of five 2023 from the Shenzhen Guangming District Medical Association led by Luo Longji, deputy director of the Shenzhen Guangming District Health Bureau, visited the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association for an exchange seminar.



  Vice President and secretary-general Zeng Bin, Vice President and deputy secretary-general AI he, deputy secretary-general Freya Lim, full-time Deputy Secretary of Party Branch Zhang Qili and heads of various departments attended the meeting.


  The meeting was chaired by secretary-general Zeng bin. First of all, secretary-general Zeng bin delivered a welcoming speech. He extended a warm welcome to the leaders and experts of deputy director Luo Longji and his entourage, and hoped that they would come to Chengdu frequently for study visits and exchanges, we learn from each other and develop together. Ai he, deputy secretary-general of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association made a detailed introduction. Minister Long Guiying briefed the leaders and experts on the work carried out by the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association in the areas of medical quality control, medical integration and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.


   Luo Longji, Deputy Director of Health Bureau of Guangming District, Shenzhen, fully affirmed the work of Chengdu hi-tech Zone in medical quality control, integration of medical workers and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Wu Xin, chief of Medical Administration, Guangming District Health Bureau of Shenzhen City, made a basic introduction on the medical and health institutions, the distribution of medical resources, health projects and the development vision of Guangming District of Shenzhen City. The two sides then exchanged views on medical quality control, medical-worker integration and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Everyone actively put forward constructive suggestions for improving medical quality, strengthening the integration of doctors and workers, and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The leaders and experts at the symposium put forward some problems and bottlenecks in improving medical quality, strengthening the integration of medical workers and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.


  Through this meeting, the two sides have had in-depth and friendly exchanges on medical quality control, integration of medical workers and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. It opens up a new way of thinking for the future work, and believes that the quality of medical quality control, medical integration and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements can be greatly improved in the future.