The training course on the clinical progress of endocrine and metabolic diseases was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-16

In order to further improve the clinical treatment and research level of diabetes and endocrine diseases, and better improve the quality of life of patients, the municipal medical continuation education project "Clinical Progress Training Course on Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases (C23-01-103060447)" was organized by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu BOE Hospital. On June 30, 2023, it was successfully held in the Academic Lecture Hall on the 1st floor of the Scientific Research Building of BOE Hospital, Chengdu.


The opening ceremony of the meeting was attended by Mr. Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Mr. Teng Donghai, Vice President of Chengdu BOE Hospital. Vice President Teng said: Thanks to the society for providing a platform for academic exchange, thanks to the experts who gave strong support to the training course and the participants, I hope everyone can learn something! Deputy Secretary-General Ai said: Endocrine is a frequent and common disease, and the clinical progress training course on endocrine and metabolic diseases held by BOE Hospital is conducive to improving the prevention and treatment level of hospitals and doctors in the region. He wished the training course a complete success.


In recent years, with the rapid development of clinical treatment and research of diabetes mellitus and endocrine diseases, the treatment effect and quality of life of patients have been greatly improved. This conference invited clinical experts of endocrine and metabolic diseases from inside and outside the province to give a keynote speech focusing on new technologies and new concepts, with rich content, closely following the facts and based on the status quo. Such as a number of problems in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, 2023 China Diabetes kidney disease basic management guide reading, basic insulin joint start new direction, TDRG/DIP, collection policy to jointly help the high-quality development of hospitals, etc., is very worthy of the majority of relevant medical professionals to learn.


Through this training, it is hoped that every participant engaged in endocrinology and metabolism, nutrition, obstetrics and gynecology, etc. can learn to absorb the new knowledge shared by authoritative experts in the industry, combined with the characteristics and actual situation of medical institutions, continue to deepen the knowledge content, flexibly apply to practical work, and improve the cognition of medical personnel in the clinical progress treatment of endocrine and metabolic diseases.