The Science and Education Center of Sichuan Provincial Health Commission accompanied the leaders of Hainan Provincial Health Commission to inspect the continuing medical education work in Chengdu High-tech Zone
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-17

On the morning of July 7, 2023, Zou Lingling and Liu Ying, head of the Continuing Education Department of the Science and Education Center of Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission, accompanied Liu Xuejun, a first-level researcher from the Science and Technology Education Department of Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission, and a group of 8 people visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association for special investigation and guidance of continuing medical education. At the same time, Wu Yusong, deputy director of the Science and Education Service Department of Chengdu Health Commission, Pu Yawen, Office of Chengdu Continuing Medical Education Committee, accompanied the visit, and Wu Bosheng, head of the Health Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Health Bureau, attended.

Zeng Bin, Vice president and Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Ai He, Vice president and deputy Secretary-General, Lin Fan, Deputy Secretary-General, Zhang Qili, full-time deputy secretary of the Party branch and heads of various departments participated in the inspection and guidance symposium.


The meeting was chaired by Secretary-General Zeng Bin. First of all, Deputy Director Wu Yusong gave a welcoming speech. He warmly welcomed the leaders and experts of Liu Xuejun, a first-level researcher, and hoped that they would often come to Chengdu for investigation and exchange, so that we could learn from each other and develop together. Deputy Secretary-General Ai He made a special report on the detailed situation of continuing medical education work carried out by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association under the leadership of the District Health Bureau.

Liu Xuejun, a first-level investigator and a team of leaders and experts from the Science and Technology Education Department of Hainan Provincial Health Commission, fully affirmed the achievements of Chengdu High-Tech Zone in carrying out continuing medical education. Subsequently, leaders and experts conducted in-depth discussions on how to require all medical and health institutions to strengthen the leadership and management of continuing medical education, the management of credit awarding, the management of credit assessment, and the information management of subsequent teaching points. And how to fully promote the grassroots continuing medical education work, improve the capacity of primary medical services, promote the high-quality development of primary medical services and other issues put forward their own views. Leaders and experts from Hainan Province also conducted in-depth exchanges with their counterparts in Chengdu on the development, management and existing problems of continuing medical education in their own hospitals, and they actively put forward constructive suggestions to solve the problems of reducing the burden of continuing education for primary medical staff. Today's meeting of leaders and experts is problem-oriented, and effectively put forward some problems and bottlenecks in solving the continuing medical education work of grass-roots front-line medical and health institutions.


Finally, Wu Bosheng, head of the health Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Health Bureau, spoke. He said: I am very grateful to the leaders of Sichuan Province and Chengdu Health Commission for giving Chengdu High-tech Zone such a good opportunity to learn and grow. I am very grateful to the leaders and experts of Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission for their visit to Chengdu High-tech Zone and their inspection and guidance of continuing medical education. We should not limit the work of continuing medical education only to obtain credits, but should pay more attention to how to improve the comprehensive knowledge quality of medical technicians. It is necessary to carry out multi-level, multi-form and multi-channel continuing medical education activities, so that health technicians have channels to learn, learn and use, which is the need to continuously improve the quality and ability of health professional and technical personnel, and also the inevitable requirement for the broad masses of people to enjoy better and better health services.