Chengdu high-tech Medical Association cancer intervention Committee Standing Committee work successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-17

In order to scientifically plan the key work of the tumor Intervention Special Committee in the second half of 2023 and promote the smooth development of the work of the special Committee, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association successfully held the "Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Cancer Intervention Special Committee Standing Committee Work" on July 21, 2023.

More than 18 people participated in the meeting, including the chairman, deputy chairman and standing members of the tumor intervention Committee of High-tech Medical Association, and Director Duan Ping, chairman of the tumor intervention committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, presided over the meeting.


First of all, Director Duan Ping, chair of the Cancer Intervention Committee, reported on the work in 2022. She concluded: The Special Committee for Tumor Intervention was still active and actively organized relevant investigations and learning classes during the epidemic last year, and will continue to give full play to the role of the special committee in the next 2023 to provide a platform for learning and exchange for medical institutions and young doctors in the region.

First of all, Director Duan Ping, chair of the Cancer Intervention Committee, reported on the work in 2022. She concluded: The Special Committee for Tumor Intervention was still active and actively organized relevant investigations and learning classes during the epidemic last year, and will continue to give full play to the role of the special committee in the next 2023 to provide a platform for learning and exchange for medical institutions and young doctors in the region.


Subsequently, all the Standing Committee discussed the work planning and division of activities in the second half of 2023, and put forward valuable suggestions, and finally reached a consensus. All committee members said: In 2022, under the leadership of the Medical Association, we have made remarkable achievements. In 2023, we will actively cooperate with the Medical Association to carry out high-quality activities.

At the end of the meeting, Director Duan Ping put forward several hopes for the next stage of the committee's activities: In the second half of 2023, the experts of the committee should play a leading role, provide more opportunities for young doctors in the region to learn and discuss, jointly promote the holding of salons and academic exchanges, and make corresponding contributions to the patients in the region to receive higher quality medical services.