Improving prevention and control awareness and guarding the defense line of hospitalization -- "Training Course on New Tasks and Challenges for Prevention and Control of Hospital Illness" was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-17

Three years after the new coronavirus, hospital infection management has undergone an unprecedented baptism. Infection prevention and control plays a key role in the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus epidemic, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for infection control. Infection prevention and control, from the text to the battlefield, from theory to practice, with the same changes, to complete the transformation of the self. At a new starting point, sensory control work will also take a new look and embark on a new journey. In order to comprehensively improve the management level and prevention and control ability of nosocomial infection, the continuing medical education project of Sichuan Province, "Training Course on New Tasks and Challenges of Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control" [project number: 23-001-22000163], co-sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and Chengdu First People's Hospital, was successfully held in Chengdu on August 3-4.


The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Song Guoying of Chengdu First People's Hospital. Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Professor Luo Jun, vice president of Chengdu First People's Hospital attended and delivered a speech.

Secretary General Ai said: The importance of hospital illness prevention and control work does not need too much to elaborate, the meeting invited many famous experts and scholars in the field of hospital illness, the training content must be full of dry goods, will definitely make the school teachers who are not afraid of the summer to attend the trip.

Vice President Luo expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the experts and participants attending the training course. I wish the training course a successful one and hope all teachers can learn something from it.

The training course invited well-known experts and scholars in the field of nosocomial sensitivity to elaborate widely concerned issues in the field from different perspectives, such as the training and construction of the team of nosocomial nurses, the enhancement and system construction of nosocomial infection management, the prevention and control strategy of nosocomial infection management in the delivery room, the monitoring and supervision of nosocomial infection management, the key points of nosocomial infection prevention and control in the building layout of key departments, and the capacity building of full-time staff of nosocomial sensitivity. The content of each teaching expert is combined with the practical work of hospital infection management, hoping to share the knowledge of the new development of hospital infection with everyone through this platform.


This training aims to strengthen the awareness of nosocomial infection prevention and control, actively prevent and control the occurrence of nosocomial infection outbreaks, and let the trainees learn and discuss the new development and transformation of nosocomial infection after the end of the epidemic, ensure medical safety, comprehensively improve the management level and prevention and control ability of nosocomial infection, and achieve new development in learning the combination of nosocomial infection prevention and control with hospital management. Laid a solid foundation.