Applying what you learn and empowering the United States - Medical cosmetology photoelectric special technical training class was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-17

In the context of consumption upgrading, the rapid development of the medical beauty industry, the shortage of professional talents, and the uneven quality of practitioners have become the biggest shackles on the overall healthy and healthy development of the industry. In order to accelerate the improvement of medical cosmetology service ability and quality, and promote the safe and healthy development of medical cosmetology market, the "Special Technical Training Course on Medical Cosmetology Optoelectronics" sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu Badachu Medical Cosmetology Hospital was successfully held in Chengdu Badachu Medical Cosmetology Hospital on August 12-13, 2023.


This training invited eight experts in the field of skin optoelectronic diagnosis and treatment to give small classes and interactive lectures, which were rich in content and combined with the theme to arouse students' interest in a vivid way, such as sensitive skin and precise skin care, the application of non-exfoliating dot matrix laser 1565 in facial and orbital rejuvenation, the combination of blunt needle and sharp needle of crosslinked hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, etc. Not only the explanation of theoretical knowledge, but also the on-site practical training are the learning content of the attending teachers. Very worthy of the majority of relevant professional medical personnel to learn.


Through this training, it is hoped that participants can learn the special technology of medical cosmetology optoelectronics, absorb and consolidate advanced professional knowledge, improve professional service capabilities, promote the development of the whole ecology of medical cosmetology, and make a great contribution to patients receiving safer and more high-quality treatment.