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Mental health and oral daily health care have been successfully completed in the popular science education activities of Hualong Community, Zhonghe Street.
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-09-20

Chengdu High-tech Medical Association carried out a series of scientific science popularization activities in accordance with the requirements of Chengdu High-tech Zone Social Work Terminal · Social Organization Incubation and Cultivation Center, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Center of the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone and the Chengdu High-tech Zone Incubator Industry Co-governance Council. According to the plan, the second volunteer service activity of "mental health care and oral health care" to enter the party members of Hualong Community in Zhonghe Street was successfully carried out in the afternoon of September 19, 2023 in the conference room on the 5th floor, No. 56, Section 3, Zhonghe Avenue, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. The organizers, the organizers, support units, collaborating units, community workers and community residents participated in the activity.

Before the popular science lecture, the Central and Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone sent a family doctor team led by She Haiying, the head nurse of the Second Department of Public Health, to conduct blood pressure tests for 49 community residents present.

The lecturer of this activity is Mr. Yan Ming, the attending physician of the Central and Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone. Teacher Yan gave detailed science popularization lectures to the residents on the knowledge of "mental health and oral daily health care". And interact with the on-site residents through the on-site demonstration of brushing teeth and the use of dental floss.

Through the "health science popularization participation" series of science popularization activities "mental health, oral daily health care" into the Zhonghe street Hualong community party members volunteer service activities, residents have said that the popular science lectures have benefited everyone a lot. Everyone has not only been psychologically healed, but also learned better through popular science lectures. I learned the knowledge of oral health care, injected new popular science concepts and cognition into how to do a good job in my mental health and daily oral health care in the future, and said that I will drive myself and my family through my own practical actions.