Grassroots cancer pain management stands out, grid based urban medical consortium shines brightly - Chengdu High tech Zone representative team shines in the 2023 Chengdu Cancer Prevention and Control Science Popularization Skills Competition
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-09-28

  The final of the 2023 Chengdu Cancer Prevention and Control Science Popularization Skills Competition officially kicked off on September 26, 2023 at Hongyun Hall of Xinglong Lakeside Hotel (Xibo City Branch) in Chengdu. A total of 23 representative teams competed in this competition, including the representative team from Chengdu High tech Zone.

  At the finals, the representative team of Chengdu High tech Zone won the "Second Prize" and "Best Organization Award" through intense competition with their carefully prepared work "Because of Love", becoming the focus of the audience.

  This work focuses on cancer prevention and treatment, deeply exploring the impact of cancer on families and individuals, as well as the importance and necessity of grassroots cancer pain management. Through vivid and vivid interpretations and simple explanations, the audience has gained a deeper understanding and understanding of cancer prevention and grassroots cancer pain management.

  It is worth mentioning that the Chengdu High tech Zone representative team fully reflected the concept of a high-tech grid based urban medical consortium in the competition. They take grassroots health institutions as the fulcrum, establish urban medical consortia, integrate medical resources in a grid manner, and achieve cross regional and cross level medical cooperation. This model can provide more timely and convenient medical services for cancer patients, while also strengthening cooperation between different levels of medical institutions, promoting the development of grassroots cancer pain management.

  In addition, 'Because of Love' also highlights the importance and necessity of grassroots cancer pain management. In the work, the family doctor team for cancer pain provides comprehensive pain treatment and support to patients through timely and standardized pain assessment and management. This not only alleviates the pain of patients and improves their quality of life, but also promotes interaction and mutual assistance between patients, families, and communities, enhancing the cancer pain management ability of the entire society.

  Through this work, the audience can deeply understand the importance and necessity of cancer prevention and control science popularization work, and also inspire more units and individuals to devote themselves to this field, making positive contributions to promoting the improvement of national health literacy and the development of cancer prevention and control cause.

  I hope that more similar activities will be carried out in Chengdu and even nationwide in the future, contributing more efforts to the construction of a healthy China.
