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Keep an eye on these diseases, and have a safe double festival!
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-10-01

In the golden autumn, with the approaching of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, people go out, travel, party and other activities increase, which increases the risk of transmission of respiratory, intestinal and other infectious diseases. In the good season of enjoying the cool autumn air, warm reminder: during the "two festivals", we should focus on the prevention of influenza, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, hand, foot and mouth disease, foodborne diseases, etc.











The focus is on the following categories of diseases

Influenza A virus

Influenza is a respiratory infectious disease. The main symptoms of influenza are fever, muscle soreness and headache. There are also some mild respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose and sore throat. Influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza. It is recommended that the elderly, children and people with underlying medical conditions receive timely influenza vaccination. Some of the methods used to prevent COVID-19 infection are also effective methods to prevent influenza. Such as maintaining good respiratory hygiene habits, frequent hand washing, frequent ventilation, and avoiding close contact with patients with influenza-like symptoms.

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, also known as epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye disease, mainly caused by enterovirus (EV70 and CA24v), with high conjunctival hyperemia, subconjunctival hemorrhage and corneal epithelial peeling as the main clinical features of infectious diseases. Popularize the knowledge of hand hygiene and eye care, develop the hygiene habit of washing hands frequently, do not share towels, basins and other personal daily necessities, and do not contact patients and their pollutants and polluted environment.

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is an acute infectious disease caused by enterovirus. It is mainly transmitted by fecal-oral route, respiratory droplets, contact with nasal secretions of children, and contaminated hands and objects. It is more common in children under 5 years of age, but adults can also develop HFMD, and because symptoms are mild, it can be unknowingly transmitted to children. To prevent hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), vaccination is recommended for school-age children; Adults go home should wash hands and face before contact with children, sneeze attention to cover; Do not share goods with others, and do not contact patients, their contaminants, or the contaminated environment.

Foodborne diseases

First, pay attention to food safety

When preparing food for family dinner, attention should be paid to the separation of raw and cooked food. Cutting boards, knives, basins, plates, bowls and other utensils for processing and holding raw meat, aquatic products and vegetables should be separated from cooked food, and should be cleaned and disinfected in time after use. Do not make, do not eat sour soup and other fermented rice products. Do not eat raw freshwater aquatic products, raw deep-sea aquatic products should also be cautious. Do not use toxic Chinese medicinal materials such as Radix aconitum, Radix aconitum and their products to process and prepare medicinal food and wine. Do not drink bulk liquor of unknown origin.

Two, the correct choice of beef and muttonConsumers should go to regular stores, supermarkets, markets and other food business units to buy beef and mutton and viscera and their products, do not covet cheap to buy private slaughter meat, beware of buying unsafe food. If you develop symptoms after eating, seek medical attention immediately and bring the remaining suspicious foods with you.

Third, carefully select the travel portable food

Travel, as far as possible with suitable room temperature preservation, not spoilage spoiled pre-packaged food, ready-to-eat food in bulk is best consumed within 2 hours, you can carry some citrus, apples, pears and other fruit with relatively hard skin. Buy, carry and mail vacuum-packed "three no" meat foods with caution.

Intestinal diseases

Because of the increase of various parties in the long holiday, many people eat and drink, stomach can not stand, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea. Therefore, the holiday should pay special attention to temperance diet, avoid excessive consumption of high fat, raw and cold food, avoid excessive drinking.

Whether it's at home or traveling. If the holiday illness is a very disappointing thing, so, small holiday should also pay attention to their own diet and daily life, pay attention to the weather, add clothes in time to keep warm, so as not to affect their health oh.