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Throttle chronological health | cold dew keeping in good health to do so, away from the little pain
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-10-08

Cold dew living, early to bed, early to rise

Cold dew is one of the 24 solar terms in which the word "cold" first appeared. Just like Yuan Zhen, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, when the term is entered, everything withered and the nature began to show the atmosphere of decay and despotion, which also marked the transition and turning point from the cool autumn to the cold winter. "Su Wen four qi Tiaoshen Big Theory" clearly points out: "Autumn and March, early bed and early rise, and the chicken all xing." After the cold dew, we should continue to follow the principle of "work at sunrise and rest at sunset", adjust the time of work and rest, go to bed early and get up early, so as to regulate the balance of Yin and Yang and reconcile the qi and blood of zangfu organs.

Cold Dew Nourishing Yin

Dou finger cold A is cold dew, rock sugar lily sesame food.

Nourish Yin prevent dry do not show feet, early to go to bed exercise.

Run lung benefit stomach avoid anxiety, bubble feet finger rub ear appropriate.

Deep autumn dew heavy cold thick, Hegu Yongquan Zusanli.

-- Wang Yuhui, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association