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5 kinds of root vegetables You must eat in winter
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-11-10

Eat flowers in spring, leaves in summer, fruits in autumn and roots in winter. Root vegetables are rich in starch, minerals and carbohydrates, which not only provide the necessary nutrients for the body, but also enhance the ability of the body to resist the cold. Winter resist the cold can not only eat meat, eat more root vegetables, laxative and Yang of great benefit! Here are 5 kinds of "root vegetables king" that must be eaten in winter for your reference:


1. Potatoes

Hewei health, blood lipid, bowel laxity and blood pressure, can effectively alleviate the dizziness and limb numbness caused by hypertension patients. It also has a conditioning effect on insomnia and dreams caused by the disease. In daily life, constipation induced by anger can also be regulated by this product. Eat some potatoes properly, can relieve dyspepsia, anorexia, shortness of breath symptoms, usually also want to eat more fresh fruit.


Two, winter bamboo shoots

Efficacy and function of winter bamboo shoots: appetizing and invigorating the spleen, hemostasis and cooling blood, weight loss and slimming

Suitable population: loss of appetite, Wan PI chest tightness, constipation, obesity

Contraindications: the elderly, frail, female menstruation


Third, yam

Yam efficacy and function: tonifying qi, wasting-and-thirst, body building and beauty

Suitable population: spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue and weakness

Contraindications: Constipation


Four, white radish

Efficacy and function of radish: lower qi, digestion, diuresis, moistening lung, eliminating phlegm, detoxifying and nourishing

Suitable population: The general population can be edible

Contraindications: Yin Sheng constitution, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, qi deficiency depression


Fifth, sweet potatoes

Sweet potato function and function: defecation and detoxification, auxiliary blood pressure, anti-aging

Suitable population: cancer patients, dryness of intestine, spleen deficiency

Contraindications: damp blocking spleen and stomach, anorexia
