Clouds gather for premiere, clear skies cast new brilliance in endoscopic care - The "Progress of Endoscopic Care and Cleaning and Disinfection Quality Management" Training Class of Chengdu High tech Medical Association was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-12-01


  In today's rapidly changing global medical technology, endoscopic technology, as an important pillar of the medical field, is particularly important for improving the quality of care and services. In this context, the municipal continuing medical education project "Progress in Endoscopic Nursing and Cleaning Disinfection Quality Management", sponsored by Chengdu High tech Medical Association and jointly undertaken by Sichuan Endoscopic Technology Association, Sichuan Health Management Association Digestive Health Management Committee, and Chengdu BOE Hospital, was successfully held online on December 1, 2023.



  This online conference is like a peak event in the medical field, bringing together numerous outstanding experts in the field of endoscopic nursing in China. The meeting kicked off in speeches by Han Yuping, Dean of Chengdu BOE Hospital, and Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High tech Medical Association. In a strong academic atmosphere, Professor Wang Xiu from the First Hospital of Jilin University, Professor Zhang Qiongying from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Li Huiling from North Sichuan Medical College, and Professor Zhang Lin from Chengdu BOE Hospital not only focus on "research and solution strategies related to factors affecting intestinal preparation", "setting of nursing positions in endoscopy centers", and "control and management of infection prevention and control in endoscopy centers" We conducted in-depth discussions on cutting-edge topics such as "digital driven intelligent nursing" and actively shared our valuable experiences accumulated in practice.

  It is worth mentioning that Professor Jiang Lin from Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Professor Liu Lianlian from Chengdu BOE Hospital, and Professor Zeng Ying also discussed the current urgent problems such as "difficulties in quality management of surgical endoscopic cleaning and disinfection", and demonstrated examples of applying new technologies and methods in endoscopic nursing, such as "application and nursing of tunnel technology in POEM" and "endoscopic treatment and nursing of internal hemorrhoids". Every issue keeps pace with the times, and every sharing is full of depth and foresight. Finally, Professor Yang Jie from Chengdu BOE Hospital also brought a wonderful case sharing to everyone.



  This academic feast not only broadened the professional perspectives of the attendees, but also provided them with a rare opportunity to exchange and interact with peers, and collide ideas and sparks. In the end, the meeting came to a successful conclusion in a lively and fruitful discussion.

  The successful holding of this conference undoubtedly played a positive role in improving the overall level of endoscopic care. We firmly believe that through unity and joint efforts, the endoscopic nursing industry will definitely move towards a higher stage of development and make greater contributions to the health industry.