The preparatory meeting for the Rare Disease Professional Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-10-19

  In order to change the current situation of limited research resources, uneven distribution of diagnosis and treatment data, and difficulty in seeking treatment for rare diseases, the preparatory meeting of the Rare Disease Professional Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association was successfully held on October 18, 2023.


  Experts including Zeng Bin, Vice President and Secretary General of Chengdu High tech Medical Association, Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General, Professor Li Xiaojing, CEO of Chengdu New Century Women and Children's Hospital, Professor Zhou Min of Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital, Professor Chen Rong of Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Professor Zhou Kaiyu of West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, and Xiong Jie, Deputy Minister of Project Management Department of Chengdu Charity Federation, attended the meeting.


图片At the           preparatory meeting, Deputy Secretary General Ai He of Chengdu High tech Medical Association gave a detailed introduction to the history and purpose of Chengdu High tech Medical Association, emphasizing its responsibility in promoting medical progress and serving patients. The leader of the preparatory group also introduced the preparatory work of the special committee in the early stage, including personnel organization, activity planning, and other aspects. The meeting also discussed specific matters such as the allocation of members and the number of personnel positions of the special committee, as well as the establishment time of the special committee and the convening of academic conferences after its establishment. In order to better advance the work, the meeting also formulated a preliminary work plan for the next step, clarifying various tasks and time nodes.


  Finally, Secretary General Zeng Bin gave a concluding speech, emphasizing the importance of establishing a rare disease professional committee and hoping that experts can work together to contribute to improving the diagnosis and treatment level of rare diseases in Sichuan Province and even the whole country.

  The establishment of the Rare Disease Professional Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association will bring hope to more rare disease patients, enabling more patients to have access to medical treatment, medication, and care, and effectively implementing a new model of "no one can be missing" and "patient-centered" to better protect the health rights and interests of rare disease patients.