The second Plenary Committee and academic Conference of the First Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Professional Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully held
Author:健教部  Addtime:2023-12-10


A guide

From December 8 to 10, 2023, the second Plenary Committee and Academic Conference of the First Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Professional Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully held in Chengdu. The conference was jointly sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University. A total of 14 000 well-known experts in the field of reproductive medicine and online and offline colleagues in the field of reproductive medicine from inside and outside China attended the conference.


Plenary committee

On the evening of December 8th, the Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Professional Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held the second plenary committee of this year. The meeting was presided over by Professor Xiao Zhun, the deputy chair.


Zeng Bin, Vice president and Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association delivered a speech. He said that the association would continue to strongly support the future work of the Special committee. At the same time, he also hoped that the Special committee could jointly create a new situation in the development of related medicine under the leadership of the chair Professor Ma Qianhong, and at the same time, strengthen the grassroots, promote the transformation, unite Chengdu and Chongqing, and even the west, and do a good job in the transformation at home and abroad. It is also hoped that more experts and teams will participate in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, expand specialties and strengthen disciplines, and make greater achievements.


Comrade Xiao Zhun, the leader of the Party Group of the Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Committee, led all the members to study the party course - "Learning ideas, strengthening Party spirit, emphasizing practice, building new achievements, and carrying out theme education based on their posts" and shared their learning experiences.


Subsequently, Chairman Ma Qianhong elaborated on the work of the Special committee in the past year, and put forward and formulated the work plan for next year.


In the final discussion session, more than 40 members of the special committee from the province's online and offline regions spoke enthusiastically, actively discussed how to better carry out the clinical research, teaching and training of reproductive medicine, and put forward many valuable suggestions.



Opening Ceremony

On the morning of December 9, the second academic conference of Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Professional Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and the training course on the progress of gynecological Reproductive Endocrinology and Female Reproductive Health (provincial Class I continuing education project) was officially opened. The meeting was presided over by Professor Ma Qianhong from West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University.


Professor Xiao Xue of the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University: Thank you for your coming. I hope that through this academic exchange, we can promote new progress in clinical, scientific research and teaching of reproductive medicine, and achieve barrier-free communication between upper and lower levels. The high quality leadership of the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University will provide high-quality medical resources to the primary level, do a good job in helping and better serving patients. Under the leadership of Professor Ma Qianhong, experts from medical institutions at all levels can further promote the high-quality development of reproductive endocrinology in China and abroad. We will strengthen the grassroots and promote the implementation of transformation.


Zhao Cong, President of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association: On behalf of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the online and offline experts and professors. I would also like to thank the support of West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University and the colleagues of the special committee led by Chairman Ma Qianhong for promoting the high-quality development of reproductive medicine. It is hoped that we can better serve patients in the future, promote the development of reproductive medicine in Southwest China through exchanges between hospitals at all levels, and help to promote the development of reproductive medicine in China, so as to better strengthen the foundation and promote transformation. I wish the meeting a complete success.


This academic conference invited from Peking University Third Hospital, West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Jinxin Reproductive Group, Panzhihua Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Sichuan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and Sichuan Jinxin West Women and Children 40 experts and professors from Children's Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University, Chengdu Longquanyi District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Zigong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Chengdu Jinjiang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Chengdu Southwest Infertility Hospital, Chengdu Xinan Gynecological Hospital, Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital and other relevant medical units (institutions) at all levels participated in the training. To discuss the new progress and new technology of basic and clinical research in the field of reproductive medicine.

Review of the Meeting

I. Diagnosis and treatment of reproductive endocrine diseases in obstetrics and gynecology

1. Recommendations of international evidence-based guidelines for the evaluation and management of polycystic ovary syndrome (2023 version)


(2) Clinical application of hormone replacement therapy in gynecology


(3) Clinical experience sharing of hypothalamic micropump use in patients with central amenorrhea


(4) Diagnosis and treatment of primary ovarian insufficiency


Second, gynecological diseases and reproductive related problems

(1) Clinical ideas and research progress of female fertility preservation


(2) Diagnosis and treatment of adenomyosis complicated with infertility


(3) fertility preservation of patients with gynecological malignant tumors


(4) Diagnosis and treatment of thrombophilia in the field of reproduction


3. Assisted reproductive technology

(1) Interpretation of the guidelines for unexplained infertility (UI)


(2) evaluation of female fertility


(3) precautions in the treatment of artificial insemination


(4) Clinical significance of important semen parameters and assessment of male fertility


Fertility preservation and protection

(1) The reproductive challenges faced by elderly women and countermeasures


(2) Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of infertility


(3) current status of RSA diagnosis and treatment and SCH case sharing


(4) long-term management of endometriosis and fertility strategies


(5) What can we solve with PGT?


Discussion of difficult cases

Guest Judges








Case Sharing





The meeting site











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Summary of the Conference

In the end, Ma Qianhong made a summary of the conference. She pointed out that the conference was carried out around strengthening the grassroots and promoting transformation. This meeting you must gain, we find the direction and goal through discussion, can inspire us to do a good job in the future work, thank you for your strong support and help, thank you for your attention to the society special committee, wish the society special committee to develop and grow, and declare the successful end of the conference.


This academic conference is dominated by solving the common and frequently-occurred diseases in primary care, through the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive endocrine diseases in obstetrics and gynecology, gynecological diseases and reproductive related issues, the field of assisted technology, fertility preservation and protection, and the voice from the grassroots. In addition, online and offline reproductive medicine colleagues were invited to speak and discuss in the form of difficult medical cases. The successful holding of the conference has built a platform for reproductive medicine colleagues to learn and exchange with each other, and effectively sank a series of high-quality resources of reproductive medicine led by West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University to the grassroots. Achieved strong grassroots, promote transformation. It is of great significance to promote the dissemination and promotion of research in the field of reproduction, and to improve the basic and clinical research level of reproductive medicine in Southwest China.