The inaugural conference and academic conference of the First Private Medical Management Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association were successfully held
Author:健教部  Addtime:2023-12-23

Private hospitals are an important part of China's medical service system, and an important force to increase the effective supply of medical resources and meet the multi-level and diversified health service needs of the people. The Party Central Committee and The State Council attach great importance to the development of private medical institutions, encourage and guide social forces to run medical and health institutions in accordance with the law, improve policies and measures for innovative private medical institutions, and give equal treatment to such factors as technology, equipment and personnel, as well as designated medical insurance, key specialty construction, and grade evaluation, to guide private medical institutions to follow differentiated development paths. Form a healthy and orderly development pattern with complementary functions with public hospitals. In order to integrate the management resources of private medical institutions, better improve the management capacity of private medical institutions, and build a better communication platform for private medical institutions. The founding conference and Academic conference of the Professional Committee of Private Medical Management of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was held in Chengdu on December 22, 2023. More than 100 people arrived at the scene to participate in the meeting.

Inaugural meeting

On December 22, 2023, 87 people from 58 institutions inside and outside the province attended the founding meeting of the Professional Committee of Social Medical Management of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. After deliberation, the Congress democratically elected the chairman, president-elect, vice chairman and standing committee members of the committee. Jing Aiping, president of Modern Hospital Sichuan, was elected chairman of the Special Committee, Han Yuping, Vice president of Chengdu BOE Hospital, was elected president-elect of the Special committee. Peng Wen, President of Sichuan Friendship Hospital, Wan Wei, CEO of Sichuan Eye Hospital Aier, Xue Fan, Vice president of Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital/West China Shangjin Hospital, Zhang You, CEO of Chengdu Aidi Eye Hospital, Zhou Hong, Vice minister of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, and Zuo Hou Dong, Vice president of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to North Sichuan Medical College were elected as the vice chairman of the Special Committee.

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Zeng Bin, Vice president and secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, attended the founding meeting and delivered a speech for the meeting. He first expressed warm congratulations on the convening of the meeting, and pointed out the significance of this meeting for promoting the management of private hospitals. At the same time, he expected that in the future, under the leadership of Chairman Jing Aiping, the Professional Committee of Social Medical Management of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association would build a platform for mutual exchange for social medical management, give full play to the advantages of resources of all parties, and jointly promote the development of social medical management and provide better medical services and security. Subsequently, Zeng Bin, Vice chairman and Secretary-General, presented certificates to the elected chairman and the president-elect. Elected chairman Jing Aiping presented certificates to deputy chairman and specially invited experts.





In order to give full play to the leadership of party building and consolidate organizational support, a functional Party group of the management committee of private hospitals was established at the meeting, with 41 party members attending. Party group meeting discussion, determined by Comrade Peng Wen, Comrade Zuo Hou Dong, Comrade Huang Yan Party group members. By division of labor, Comrade Peng Wen served as the leader of the Party working group, Comrade Zuo Houdong was responsible for discipline inspection and organization, and Comrade Huang Yan was responsible for propaganda work. Comrade Peng Wen led all the members to study the Party course -- "Learning ideas to strengthen the Party spirit, emphasizing practice and building new achievements".


Opening Ceremony

On December 22, 2023, the first academic conference of the Management Committee of Private Hospitals of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association officially began. The opening ceremony of the meeting was presided over by President Jing Aiping, Chairman of the Special Committee of Social Medical Management of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. Zeng Bin, Vice president and secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Jing Xiujing, president of Social Medical Branch of Sichuan Hospital Association attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.


Zeng Bin, Vice president and Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association delivered a speech. He pointed out that in establishing the special committee, we should know our tasks and what we want to do in the future, discuss the future development and challenges of the management of private hospitals of common concern, and build a platform to share solutions to problems and find development opportunities. After its establishment, the professional committee of private medical management should strive to expand its specialties and strengthen its disciplines. Let the people enjoy the individual needs, strengthen the discipline, strengthen the training of talents, do a good job in clinical service, and closely combine clinical research and teaching. To practice the mission of expanding specialties, strengthening disciplines, and integrating medicine and engineering. We need to strengthen the grassroots and promote transformation. The initial intention of establishing the special committee of the society is to let everyone develop together, achieve benefits, strengthen specialties, integrate resources, build a bigger team, and integrate medicine and engineering. Chengdu High-tech Medical Association has 74 special committees with more than 13000 experts. It will provide the platform support for the social medical committees to integrate experts from Chengdu and Chongqing, from inside and outside the province, and even from home and abroad. At the same time, it will provide strong support for the multidisciplinary integration of special committees and the resource exchange of public hospital specialty alliances. We look forward to the future, under the leadership of Chairman Jing Aiping, to unite the forces of private medical institutions and promote the high-quality development of private medical management.


Jing Xiujing, president of the Social Medical Branch of Sichuan Hospital Association, delivered a speech. First of all, on behalf of the Social Medical Branch of Sichuan Hospital Association, he expressed congratulations on the establishment of the Special committee. Private hospitals play an important role in China's medical service system, which is an effective incremental step of the medical supply-side reform in recent years. In order to meet the diverse medical needs of the people, private hospitals provide more, better and more distinctive services, and open up a new track and social practice for innovation. At present, there are 24,000 private medical institutions, among which there are more than 1860 in Sichuan, accounting for 72% of all medical institutions in the province. However, the overall evaluation of the industry is still "small, scattered and weak", and our total service volume is only 20%, which shows that the input of social capital does not match the output, and the technical level and service ability still have a considerable gap with the social demand. Based on this reality, investors, managers and practitioners of private hospitals need to be problem-oriented, analyze the strengths and weaknesses, integrate resources, optimize operation methods, and maximize the endogenous motivation to ensure sustainable, healthy and standardized development. It is timely for Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to establish a special committee for private medical institutions. Through social organizations and academic institutions, we can gather people together to form synergy, especially in the field of discipline development. It will lead private medical institutions to build a platform in the fields of research and learning, exchange, mutual benefit, incubation, scientific research public relations, etc., so that private medical institutions can truly fight a great fight in discipline capacity. Take this opportunity to put forward four hopes: first, under the current situation to maintain the confidence in the development of the industry. Second, medical quality and medical safety will always be our lifeline. The third is to adhere to the original intention of medical practice, maintain the bottom line of practice, and ensure that no lightning strikes. The fourth is to build a learning organization for continuous improvement of medical services.

Academic conferences

After the opening ceremony, the academic conference began to focus on innovative ideas and high-quality development of hospitals, hospital information construction and management under the DRG payment situation, construction and development of high-quality non-public medical institutions, exploration and practice of TOD complex of medical and health high-speed railway, how to create first-class patient experience, case sharing of large public hospitals driving the positive development of private medical institutions, The practice and thinking of digital intelligent medicine in private hospitals, the sharing of Ai 'er ophthalmic specialist chain operation system, and how to achieve high-quality development of private hospitals under the new situation were extensively discussed, which truly strengthened the grassroots and promoted the transformation.










Finally, President Jing Aiping made a summary of the conference. He said that the conference not only strengthened exchanges and cooperation in the management of private hospitals, but also promoted social attention and support for the management of private hospitals. By raising the public's awareness and attention to the management of private hospitals, we believe that more people will join the ranks of private medical management. In the future, the Special committee will make every effort to integrate the management resources of socialized medical institutions, improve the management ability of socialized medical institutions, and build a better communication platform for socialized medical institutions.


The successful holding of the conference has injected new impetus for the Professional Committee of Private Medical Institutions Management of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association in promoting the construction of Healthy China and strengthening the management of private medical institutions. We firmly believe that in the coming days, through the joint efforts of all parties, the management of socialized hospitals will achieve more remarkable results. At the same time, we also hope that more people can pay attention to and support the management of private hospitals, and jointly create a better environment for private medical management.