Work hard to open a new bureau and concentrate on development——Sichuan Medical Association leaders visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to exchange guidance
Author:质控  Addtime:2024-02-27

On the afternoon of February 26, 2024, 6 leaders and department heads of the Provincial Medical Association, led by the Secretary-General of Sichuan Medical Association Yao Yongping, visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to guide the high-quality development of the association, help the association  to open a new bureau, and concentrate on development work.


Secretary General Yao Yongping and his delegation, accompanied by Secretary General Zeng Bin of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, first visited various departments of the association and columns such as Party and mass construction, clean government construction, membership and organization construction, academic activities and services, government affairs and cultural construction, and then held an exchange and study forum.


Zeng Bin, Vice president and Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Ai He, Vice president and deputy secretary general, Zhang Qili, deputy Secretary of the branch and director of the office, and heads of relevant departments attended the exchange and study forum.

The meeting was chaired by Secretary General Zeng Bin, first of all, Secretary General Zeng Bin warmly welcomed the arrival of the leadership of the Secretary-General Yao Yongping, and sincerely thanked the provincial Medical Association for its concern and support for the development of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and hoped that they could often come to the institute for inspection and exchange, and guide the work. Subsequently, Deputy Secretary-General Ai He made a detailed report on the introduction of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and the development of scientific and technological innovation and the integration of medical industry.

Zhou Jianqiang, deputy Secretary-General of Sichuan Medical Association, introduced the development of the provincial Medical Association.


Secretary General Yao Yongping and his delegation fully affirmed the work of scientific and technological innovation, achievement transformation and medical industry integration carried out by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association.

The two sides had an exchange and discussion on the development status of the society, the completion of key tasks, party building, capacity improvement, regulation establishment, external cooperation, academic exchanges, scientific and technological innovation, achievement transformation and medical and industrial integration. The participants actively exchanged views and put forward many constructive suggestions on how to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, achievement transformation and medical and industrial integration. At the same time, the symposium also put forward ideas and ideas on the difficult points and bottlenecks encountered in the work.

Finally, all the comrades who participated in the exchange and discussion agreed that the development of the society should focus on the main business, maintain integrity and innovation, closely adhere to the "core", seek the "overall situation" 踔厉 work hard to open a new bureau, and gather their hearts to seek development. The following points are proposed:

First, it is necessary to improve ideological understanding and take up the political responsibility of "benchmarking flag". Be the "leader" of the industry and actively play the leading role of the society.

The second is to adhere to the goal-oriented, closely focused on achieving the development goals of health and health, helping high-quality development and meeting the needs of the masses of the people, benchmarking the table, identifying the gap, filling in the shortcomings, and striving to build its own core business and characteristic brand services.

The third is to build integration and give full play to the advantages of expert resources, do a good job in foreign cooperation, academic exchanges, scientific and technological innovation, achievement transformation and medical industry integration, expand horizons, active thinking, and build a high-quality platform in the medical and health field.

The fourth is to standardize the construction as the starting point, promote the establishment of rules and systems activities, improve service capabilities, and strive to build the institute into a model of strict, standardized and scientific management.

The fifth is to establish the correct industry orientation, maintain a good industry image, and create a clean and positive academic atmosphere.

The leaders of Sichuan Medical Association visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to exchange guidance, which will strongly promote the society to change its style, improve its ability, promote the functional transformation to go deep and solid, actively make due contributions to the health cause, and contribute high-tech strength to "healthy Chengdu" with practical actions!