Medical simulation to improve Medical quality -- Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Medical Simulation Education Forum and simulation medical Committee academic meeting successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2024-03-01


In order to carry out extensive cooperation and exchange, share the experience of medical simulation education and teaching, and effectively improve the quality of clinical practice teaching of medical personnel. Co-sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and Chengdu First People's Hospital, the "Medical Simulation Education Forum and Academic Conference of the Simulated Medical Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association" was successfully held in Chengdu on February 29. The conference aims to build a standardized, standardized and systematic center management mode and process, while improving the teaching level and ability of teaching teachers, creating a safe and efficient hospital quality atmosphere, and providing better and faster health services for the public.


The opening ceremony of the meeting was presided over by Professor Chen Hang, Chairman of the Special Committee on Simulated Medicine of High-tech Medical Association. Li Weidong, Vice president of Chengdu First People's Hospital, Zhou Siyuan, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ai He, Vice President and deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association attended and addressed the opening ceremony.




The theme of this conference is "Gathering first-class talents, building first-class disciplines, and building first-class medical simulation centers". Invited to Brigham and Women's Hospital, Second West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Sichuan People's Hospital, Chongqing People's Hospital, Chengdu First People's Hospital, Deyang People's Hospital and other domestic and external first-class experts in medical simulation education to give lectures. Share the practical experience of medical simulation education and scientific research at home and abroad, exchange new ideas for the construction of medical simulation centers, coordinate development, and keep pace with The Times. A total of more than 100 medical colleges and medical institutions, as well as simulation technology related personnel participated in the conference.

Medical simulation is a bridge connecting theoretical learning and clinical practice. The successful holding of this forum has played a strong role in promoting the development of medical simulation and the improvement of training quality, and has played an important role in promoting the development and application of domestic simulation teaching and the collaboration and exchange of medical education industry. It encourages all medical educators and administrators to look to the world and the future, keep in mind their original intention and forge ahead, constantly integrate resources, train teachers and optimize courses in educational practice, help medical quality and safety, and build a world-class simulation medical education platform with Chinese characteristics.