Building a Healthy Bridge Together, Illuminating Life Hand in Hand - Chengdu High-tech Medical Association's Blood Purification Committee Conducts Health Lectures and Vascular Access Screening Free Clinic Activities
Author:质控  Addtime:2024-03-20

World Kidney Day 2024, which falls on 14 March, is the 19th World Kidney Disease Day. This year's theme is "Kidney Health for All - Promoting healthcare equality and optimizing medication practice". In order to improve the public's attention to kidney disease and reduce the occurrence of kidney disease, the expert team of the Blood Purification Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association has carried out a series of online and offline health lectures and vascular access screening activities.2.jpg

During the event, hemodialysis patients and their families spoke directly to experts who answered their questions about hemodialysis and vascular access in plain language. At the free diagnosis site, free vascular access screening was carried out at the same time. During the screening, some vascular access valve stenosis, tumor dilation and other problems were found, and the corresponding treatment suggestions were provided, which were highly recognized by patients and their families.4.jpg

Professor Min Chen, chairman of the blood purification Committee of the high-tech Medical Association, said that they hope to provide professional medical services for more patients, solve the problem of difficult and expensive to see a doctor, and better serve patients.1.jpg

Through this activity, not only professional medical consultation was provided for patients, but also humanistic care and warmth were brought to help people understand more about kidney health and hemodialysis, so that hemodialysis patients and their families could get timely and effective help.