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The meeting on drug guidance and clinical application of rare diseases was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-12-11

In 2023, the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other six departments jointly issued the "Second batch of Rare Disease Catalog", and the number of rare disease catalog has increased to 207; As of September 2023, China has registered about 780,000 cases of rare diseases, providing a scientific basis for improving the management system of rare diseases. In order to further improve the level of early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, medicine, management and affordability of rare diseases in Hunan.


The offline meeting held on December 10, 2023 invited well-known clinical experts from disciplines related to rare diseases, and many experts and scholars jointly exchanged topics such as prevention and control screening of rare genetic diseases, diagnosis and treatment services and policy protection, and conducted in-depth discussions on new knowledge, new concepts and new technologies of rare diseases. The participants said that they benefited a lot, and the meeting was a complete success, benefiting more medical personnel and patients.