The training of radiation staff in medical institutions was successfully concluded
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-05-19

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

Organize training for radiation workers in medical institutions

      In order to earnestly implement the "Occupational Disease Prevention Law", "Radiation Diagnosis and Treatment Management Regulations", "Radiation Workers' Occupational Health Management Measures" and other laws and regulations, strengthen the management of radiation workers, so as to hold a certificate. At 09:00 on May 19, 2017, the 2017 Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Institution Radiation Worker Training Conference was hosted by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Social Undertaking Bureau and undertaken by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association in the conference room on the second floor of the Society. More than 130 radiation workers in the district participated in the training. The trainer is Pan Xingping, the Chengdu.



    During the training, Mr. Pan conducted detailed trainings for on-site radiation workers on the "Occupational Disease Prevention Law", "Radiation Diagnosis and Treatment Management Regulations", "Radiation Workers' Occupational Health Management Measures" and other relevant radiation laws and regulations. After listening to the explanation of the experts, the doctors gained a lot, and all said that they would seriously implement it and strictly abide by the laws and regulations related to radiation. After the training, all radiation workers conducted on-site assessments. Through this move, the Health Department of the Social Undertaking Bureau of the High-tech Zone strengthened the management of the radiation workers in the area, so as to hold the certificate and ensure medical safety!
