2016 (Clinical) Practitioner Examination Training
Author:管理员  Addtime:2016-12-08

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

2016 (Clinical) Practitioner Examination Training

   Guide: According to the work instructions of the Health Department of the Social Affairs Bureau of the High-tech Zone and the requirements of the high-tech zone in 2016 for the majority of candidates for practicing and assistant physicians, in order to help candidates successfully pass the practice and assistant physician practical skills exams, improve the pass rate of the district ’s application, respectively Candidates in the clinical, traditional Chinese medicine, and traditional Chinese and western medicine classes undergo pre-examination training for practical skills examinations. Location: large conference room on the second floor of the CDC in the High-tech Zone.

    On June 18, 2016, the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association conducted a two-day pre-examination training for candidates who applied for clinical practitioners in 2016 within the jurisdiction of the district. More than 50 candidates from more than 20 medical institutions in the district participated in the event. For training, this time I was fortunate to invite Professor Gong Yugang from Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital to teach candidates.

    The purpose of this training activity is to allow candidates, whether they are an assistant physician or a practicing physician, to have sufficient preparation and a good attitude before the exam to successfully pass the exam. During the training process, the training teacher interacts with the candidates, on-site simulations, real-world demonstrations, so that the candidates can fully grasp the various operations of clinical practice skills. After the training ended on the first day, we randomly communicated with several candidates. The candidates said that the training is very meaningful, easier to remember, more profound, and more exercise psychological quality before the test. I believe that through this training, you can help candidates successfully pass the practical skills exam that is about to begin!
