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Promote the social integration of floating population-2016 Red Cross Ambulance Skills Competition
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-01-26

Promote the social integration of floating population

-2016 Red Cross Ambulance Skills Competition


In order to speed up the process of integrating the floating population into the urban society, and at the same time, to implement the equalization of health and family planning services for the floating population. Under the leadership of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association, the Xiyuan Community Health Service Center (hereinafter referred to as the "center") launched the Red Cross Ambulance Skills Contest in Xiyuan District at 9 am on December 9, 2016. In this competition, 6 units were selected from the preliminary round, and a total of 24 employees from the jurisdiction participated. The competition invited Wei Ming, director of the emergency department of Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Ye Yuejie, Red Cross Society of High-tech Zone, West China Hospital, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, etc. 6 Experts serve as judges.


The activity begins with a theoretical knowledge contest. There are mandatory questions, rush answers, and risk questions. Each team showed their magical powers. After three rounds of intense competition, iSoftStone won the championship in this session. In the skill competition that followed, the team members won applause from the judges and the audience with standardized procedures and skilled movements. The skill competition selected 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes. ISoftStone, which ranked first in the total points of the competition and skill competition, won the Excellent Team Award. At the end of the contest, the expert judges commented on the scene on the spot, and fully affirmed the success of this event. At the same time, Chengdu High-tech Zone TV station and newspapers went to the scene to conduct interviews and reports.

This event promoted the process of the integration of floating population into urban society, carried out the publicity of floating population and popularized health and first aid skills, helped the floating population improve their health literacy, and consolidated and improved the knowledge and ability of emergency rescue of floating population in the jurisdiction.



Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

      December 9, 2016