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Warm reminder of 2020 online payment of health professional and technical qualification examination and health talent evaluation examination
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-03-02

1. Payment time

February 29-March 31, 2020.

Note: Candidates who pass the qualification review must complete the online payment within the specified time. Those who fail to complete the payment on time are considered to have automatically abandoned the exam.

2. Payment method

Candidates must log in to the online registration system of China Health Talent Network ( within the prescribed time and complete the payment according to the system prompts. After successful payment, the system will prompt "Payment Successful".

The Sichuan test area does not support offline payment.

 3.Matters Needing Attention

1. If online registration is not completed within the specified time, the on-site confirmation is not passed, or the qualification for registration is not passed, online payment cannot be made;

2. If there is a problem in the payment process, please contact the online payment platform of the Sichuan test area (Yibao payment) customer service phone: 400-150-0800.


   We pay high tribute to the vast number of medical workers who are struggling in the frontline of medical treatment and prevention and control of new coronavirus pneumonia! I wish everyone a smooth payment and a smooth exam!