2019 Antibiotic Clinical Application Management Training in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone ended successfully
Author:管理员  Addtime:2019-07-01

       2019 Antibiotic Clinical Application Management Training in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone ended successfully

      On June 25, 2019, organized by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Community Development Governance and Social Undertaking Bureau, the 2019 antimicrobial clinical application management training and evaluation work undertaken by the High-tech Zone Medical Association was successfully concluded in the large conference room on the second floor of the High-tech Zone Library. This training assessment was conducted in accordance with the work instructions of the Ministry of Health and Construction of the High-tech Zone to further consolidate and improve the drug system, rationally use antimicrobial drugs, and regulate the clinical application management of antimicrobial drugs. More than 400 practicing physicians from various medical institutions in the self-administered area who need to prescribe antimicrobial drugs participated in this training and assessment.


     The training was taught by Deputy Chief Pharmacist Deng Jihong, Department of Pharmacy, Chengdu First People ’s Hospital. The briefing on anti-bacterial drug management regulations, the classification and management of anti-bacterial drugs, the application and rational use of clinical anti-bacterial drugs in common diseases, and the common adverse drug use We have provided detailed training for everyone in response and other aspects. The training period is organized and the courses are arranged reasonably. Involving the importance of medication, the basic principles and management of clinical antibacterial drugs, the indications and precautions of various clinical drugs, the treatment principles of various bacterial infections and pathogen treatment.

      All practicing physicians on site attended the lectures carefully and said that today's training is very practical. In future work, they will strictly abide by the relevant management regulations of antibacterial drugs and use antibacterial drugs rationally.


    After the training, the High-tech Zone Medical Association conducted on-site assessment of antibacterial drugs clinical application management training for all practitioners present. The staff of the Medical Association of the High-tech Zone will seal the test papers and will announce the passing list of the assessment in a few working days, and issue the "Antibacterial Drug Training Qualification Certificate" to the qualified doctors. At this point, the training and evaluation of clinical application of antibacterial drugs has been successfully completed!