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Experts go to the primary hospital-winter children's disease prevention training
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-02-07

Experts go to the primary hospital-winter children's disease prevention training

    At 14:30 pm on October 10, 2016, the knowledge of public health service projects sponsored by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and undertaken by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Community Health Committee-"Winter Pediatric Disease Prevention and Treatment" special lecture in high-tech zone medicine Will be held. Director Tu Guofang of Chengdu Children's Hospital gave a special lecture on the knowledge of common diseases in children in winter.  

    The lecture welcomed more than 30 grassroots medical staff from all communities in the high-tech zone. In the lecture, Director Tu used his many years of clinical experience as an entry point to explain the etiology, symptoms, prevention and treatment of various common pediatric diseases. The meticulous and rigorous explanations and meticulous and patient lectures made everyone gain a lot. They all carefully recorded the difficulties and key points of Director Tu's explanations. From time to time, they asked questions and interacted in the lectures, and the learning atmosphere was strong.

     According to the unified planning and layout of the work of the High-tech Zone Medical Association, this series of activities will continue to be carried out continuously in the high-tech zone gradient. Invite experts into the community for the training of grassroots personnel, with spring, summer, autumn and winter as the timeline, and carry out thematic training classes. Popularize the management of chronic diseases in winter, common diseases, knowledge of frequently-occurring diseases, and health care for grassroots health personnel. Improve the level of clinical services of health workers at the grassroots level and promote communication among the communities in the district.
