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Lectures on continuing medical education at the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association
Author:管理员  Addtime:2016-12-08

Lectures on continuing medical education at the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

    At 14:30 pm on August 5, 2016, the continuing medical education seminar "Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease" hosted by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and undertaken by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Nanxin Community Health Service Center was held in Chengdu High-tech Zone Nanxin The conference room on the third floor of the community health service center was held. More than 10 general hospitals in the district and more than 50 relevant professional doctors from community health service centers participated in this special lecture. The keynote speaker was Associate Professor Shao Ming, the dean of Bayi Rehabilitation Center in Sichuan Province. Diagnosis and treatment made a detailed explanation for everyone. This special lecture aims to improve the understanding of Parkinson's disease by relevant specialists in the district and how to correctly diagnose and treat.

    In the lecture, Dean Shao explained to the doctors in detail what Parkinson's disease is and how to diagnose and treat Parkinson's disease. After listening to the explanation of the experts, the doctors gained a lot. "Continuous medical education series of special lectures" will be carried out in community health service centers or hospitals in the high-tech zone. The series of lectures on continuing medical education aims to improve the professional knowledge and clinical professional level of the grass-roots health practitioners in the district, so as to promote the development of public health in the district!
