Proposal to do a good job in the prevention and control of coronavirus
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-01-27

Member units, executive directors, senior specialist members, members of the quality Control expert Group and all Secretariat personnel:

The prevention and control of coronavirus epidemic situation, the situation is grim. The staff of the competent departments at all levels and the front-line units of medical prevention and control have given up their holidays during the Spring Festival and fought for the front line of prevention and control.

In order to win the war without gunpowder, fight against the epidemic in novel coronavirus. The Medical Association has decided to further play the role of bridge and link. In this initiative: senior members of various specialties and members of quality control expert groups, under the overall coordination and coordination of the secretariat of the Institute, actively cooperate with the competent departments, do a good job in the prevention and control education of the community masses, and do a good job in the professional and technical guidance information for medical prevention and control institutions and first-line medical and nursing prevention and control personnel.

The above work shall not be due to slackness during the Spring Festival holiday, closely follow up the epidemic situation and system reserve professional knowledge, and stand by for unconditional support at any time.

 Life is more important than Mount Tai, the epidemic situation is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility. Under the decision-making of the CPC Central Committee and under the leadership of the competent departments, we will certainly be able to win the war of novel coronavirus epidemic situation by taking practical and effective measures. Together with the people of the whole country, we will be able to win the war of epidemic situation in novel coronavirus.