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Chengdu High-tech Zone Grassroots Governance and Social Undertakings Poverty Alleviation Team's Trip (3)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2018-09-25

At 9pm on September 18, 2018, 13 people from the “Dege Precision Poverty Alleviation Medical Team” of the Basic Administration and Social Undertakings Bureau of the Chengdu High-tech Zone reached the destination safely and smoothly under the leadership of DeputyDirector Fu Jie from the Health Development Center --Dege County, Ganzi Prefecture.

They are Deputy Director of the Health Development Center Fu Jie, Director of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Zhou Juqiao, and Teacher Zhao Zhipeng of the Ministry of Science and Education; Director of the Haiersen Hospital of the High-tech Zone Yang Zhilin, Director of the High-tech District St. Bay Dental Hospital, Director Dai Xi, High-tech Zone Director He Mingyu, representative of Huamei Zixin Medical Aesthetic Hospital, and teacher Yang Yidong, representative of Tong Ai Hospital of High-tech Zone.

They are Deputy Director of the Health Development Center Fu Jie, Director of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Zhou Juqiao, and Teacher Zhao Zhipeng of the Ministry of Science and Education; Director of the Haiersen Hospital of the High-tech Zone Yang Zhilin, Director of the High-tech District St. Bay Dental Hospital, Director Dai Xi, High-tech Zone Director He Mingyu, representative of Huamei Zixin Medical Aesthetic Hospital, and teacher Yang Yidong, representative of Tong Ai Hospital of High-tech Zone.


Dear friends, we are here and we will be together!

Take a good rest and rest, the lovely members of the "Dege Precision Poverty Alleviation Medical Team"! Tomorrow we will have a free clinic for the Dege people. Forget the fatigue of the journey, mention the spirit of a hundred times, and be with the people of Dege!

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