Invitation Letter of "Jingrong Zhixiang Meeting. The First Western Smart Medical Forum"
Author:学术会务  Addtime:2017-11-17


Medical institutions, medical information technology enterprises and related units:

In order to strengthen the communication and integration of technological innovation and entrepreneurship talents with the frontiers of local industries, promote the construction of Chengdu's smart medical service system and the application and development of information technology in the field of health, we fully support the Chengdu Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Chengdu High-tech Zone Grassroots Administration and Social Undertaking Next, the Jingrong Zhixiang Meeting hosted by the Academician Consultation Service Center of the Sichuan (Chengdu) Two Institutes and undertaken by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association, the first Western Smart Medical Forum, is scheduled to be held in Chengdu on November 27, 2017. The meeting invited the Mayo International Medical Center Health Education System, the American International Home Visit Nursing Standard Language Omaha System, medical Internet of Things platform experts and Chengdu local government technology and health plan leaders to attend. We sincerely invite medical institutions, medical information technology enterprises and related units to participate in this forum.

Hereby invites

Grassroots Governance and Social Undertaking Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone

November 15, 2017

Sichuan (Chengdu) Academician Consultation Service Center, Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

November 15, 2017 November 15, 2017

Jing Rong Zhi Xiang Hui • The First Western Smart Healthcare Forum Meeting Plan

1. Main content of the meeting

In this forum, the dialogues of local government authorities, medical experts, enterprise representatives, and industry-related professionals were conducted in a dialogue format, in-depth discussion of smart medical technology and industrial development, and exploration of Cooperation between institutions and other parties to jointly build a new mechanism for smart medical demonstration areas, and promote the rapid development of smart medical health in our city.

2. Conference Organization

Organizer: Sichuan (Chengdu) Academician Consultation Service Center

Organizer: Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

Supported by: Chengdu Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Chengdu High-tech Zone Grassroots Governance and Social Undertakings Bureau

Instructor: Sichuan Hospital Association Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Development Promotion Association

Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Society Chengdu Private Hospital Association

Co-organizer: Chengdu Huaxi Public Medical Information Service Co., Ltd. Chengdu Xijing Hospital Management Research Institute Chengdu Junyu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. Huaxi Medical Talent Network

3. Time and place of the meeting

Meeting time: Monday, November 27, 2017, 09: 00-16: 30

Venue: Conference Hall 1, Floor 1, Building 4, Tianfu International Financial Center, No. 966, Tianfu Avenue North Section, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

4. Guests and scale of the conference

The conference will invite the Mayo International Medical Center Health Education System, the United States International Home Visit Nursing Standard Language Omaha System, medical Internet of Things platform experts, and Chengdu local government technology and health plan leaders.

Number of participants: 500

5. Conference expenses

 600 yuan / person (including conference materials fee, venue fee, tea break, etc.); member units participate for free

6. Forum Contact Information

Contact: Teacher Lin, Teacher Li, Teacher He, Teacher Liu

Telephone: 028-87620163 87625586 69990153

Mobile phone: 13730674395 (Ms. He) 18215667882 (Ms. Liu)



Date Content Location

November 26

14: 00-19: 00 Registration at the forum Hall 2nd floor, Building 4, Tianfu International Financial Center

November 27

07: 30-08: 20 Sign in the forum

November 27

08: 30-08: 50 Opening ceremony of the forum

Moderator: (TBD) Speakers:

1. Leader of Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau

2. Leaders of Chengdu Health and Family Planning Commission

3. Professor Jin Yue, Academician of the American Academy of Nursing Sciences

4. Leaders of industry associations (societies) Conference Hall 1, Floor 1, Building 4, Tianfu International Financial Center

November 27

08: 50-09: 10 Signing ceremony:

1.Cooperative construction of smart medical demonstration service area

2. Hui Mei, Omaha and Doctor Penguin cooperate

3. Cooperation of smart medical demonstration service providers

4.Chengdu Rehabilitation Medical Alliance

5. Chengdu Tianfu Software Park Smart Medical Enterprise Alliance


(1) Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau, High-tech Zone Management Committee, Huimei, Omaha team, operating company

(2) Hui Mei, Omaha team, Doctor Penguin

(3) Jiang Zhengtang team, Huawei Consumer BG, Huimei, Omaha team

(4) Huimei, Omaha, Chengdu Rehabilitation Enterprise Institution

(5) Huimei, Omaha, Tianfu Software Park Smart Medical Enterprise

group photo

Keynote Speech

1. Mayo International Medical Center uses AI technology to achieve smart medical treatment

November 27

09: 10-09: 40 Clinical Decision Support System Helps Smart Healthcare Speaker: Li Hui, Medical Director of Medical Huimei Technology

November 27

09: 40-10: 10 Realize basic medical and health services for residents through the Patient Education Center Speaker: Yang Hong, Senior Vice President of Huimei Medical Group

2. Omaha system application data service creates a smart medical service system

November 27

10: 10-10: 40 Intelligent medical and nursing service system under the American Omaha system model

 Speakers: Professor of Nursing School of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Academician of American School of Nursing

November 27

10: 40-10: 50 tea break

November 27

10: 50-11: 10 Industry-University-Research-Government Collaboration to Build a Smart Medical Service Demonstration Zone

 Speakers: Tian Jun, Director of Health Planning Department, Chengdu High-tech Zone

November 27

11: 10-11: 35 Exploring Smart Healthcare in West China Assistant Director of West China Hospital, Chairman of Maker Alliance of West China Hospital, Dr. Zeng Guojun

November 27

11: 35-12: 00 Dialogue:

Integration of doctors, nurses and patients to build a smart medical innovation service model

Dialogue host: Li Datao, founder of Arterial Network Dialogue guests:

Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau

Tian Jun, Director of Health Planning Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone

Yang Hong, Senior Vice President of Huimei Medical Group

Golden Moon Professor, School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Xiao Li, Executive Director of Tencent Chengdu Branch


November 27

12: 00-13: 30 Lunch + lunch break

November 27

13: 30-15: 55 The foundation of smart medical treatment-Internet of Everything, CEO of Taiwan Health Industry Alliance-Researcher Jiang Zhengtang

November 27

13: 55-14: 20 Sports health boosts wisdom and health Health General Manager of Huawei Consumer BG Sports Health Niu Hongliang

November 27

14: 20-14: 45 Using Tencent to find a shadow to help smart medical inclusive people

November 27

14: 45-14: 55 Coffee break

November 27

14: 55-15: 20 Look at the evolution of medical innovation from two types of data

November 27

15: 20-16: 20 Guest dialogue:

Information technology leads an innovative service model to create a smart medical service demonstration area

Dialogue host: Li Datao, founder of Arterial Network, Chengdu High-tech Zone Health Planning Department

CEO of Taiwan Health Industry Alliance

Niu Hongliang, General Manager of Huawei Sports and Health Business

Hui Nan Technology Medical Director Li Nan

Tencent Internet + Senior Architect Wang Ping

November 27

16:30 End of the forum