Notice of the 2017 Sichuan Province Continuing Medical Education Project
Author:学术会务  Addtime:2017-07-06

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association about hosting 2017 Sichuan Continuing Medicine Educational project "Diagnosis and treatment of perinatal and neonatal infections Progress Study Class and Newborn Thoracentesis and Thoracic Cavity Notice of "Technical Popularization Project of Closed Drainage"


Dear colleagues in pediatrics and perinatal medicine:

Perinatal and neonatal infections have become one of the main reasons affecting the prognosis of newborns, especially premature infants, very premature infants, and very low and ultra-low birth weight infants. In order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of newborn diseases, more clinicians Understand the new progress in the diagnosis and treatment of perinatal and neonatal infections and hold this training course; at the same time, neonatal pneumothorax is one of the common critical illnesses of neonates. Its acute onset, rapid progress, and life-threatening if not handled in time, chest puncture Surgery and improved thoracic closed drainage are fast, safe and effective, with few complications and simple and easy treatment technology, which greatly improves neonatal pneumothorax and overall prognosis, and is worthy of clinical promotion in neonates. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out perinatal and neonatal infection diagnosis and treatment training and the promotion of thoracentesis and thoracic closed drainage. Therefore, it is scheduled to hold the Sichuan Province continuing education class "Progress in the diagnosis and treatment of perinatal and neonatal infections" in the Xindu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital from July 20-22, 2017 (Project Number: 17-16-01- 06030634) and the training course on "appropriate technology promotion of neonatal thoracentesis and closed thoracic drainage". The chief physician of the project, Jurong Chief Physician, focuses on the combination of new knowledge, new concepts and practice, including medical care and nursing. This training class invited Professor Feng Qi of Peking University First Hospital and Zheng Jun of Tianjin Central Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Professors, Professor Zhang Xuefeng of 302 Hospital, Professor Li Qiuping of the August 1 Children's Hospital affiliated to the Army, Professor Li Zhankui of Shaanxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Chief Physician of Chengdu Women's and Children's Center Hospital and other famous experts in the province gave lectures. The specific matters are notified as follows:

This class is organized by Chengdu Women and Children Central Hospital in conjunction with the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and undertaken by Xindu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

1. Participants

 Medical staff engaged in pediatrics and related specialties in Sichuan Province

2. the registration method

 Participants must return their receipts by email and letter before July 15, 2017.

 E-mail:, please indicate "2017 progress in diagnosis and treatment of perinatal and neonatal infections" continuing education class

 Contact: Teacher Gao 13881828130

               Teacher Chen 13550225919

3. Training costs

Participants participating in the study are exempted from conference fees, transportation and accommodation are taken care of by themselves.

4. Time schedule

 Check-in time: July 20, 2017 14: 00-20: 00

 Training time: July 21--22, 2017

 Registration and Accommodation: Xindu Petroleum Hotel

 Training location: A114 Academic Lecture Hall, Si Xue Building, Petroleum University Campus