The Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association forwarded the "2017 Internet + graded diagnosis and treatment and Notice of Supply-side Reform Dean Summit
Author:学术会务  Addtime:2017-05-08

2017 Internet + Hierarchical Diagnosis and Treatment and Supply Side Reform Dean Summit

Invitation card

Medical institutions:

The "Internet + Hierarchical Diagnosis and Treatment and Supply Side Reform Dean Summit" will be held on May 19-21, 2017 in Chengdu, Sichuan. The invitation letter of the meeting (see attachment in the attachment) is now forwarded to you. Please invite those who intend to attend the meeting to register according to the requirements of the invitation letter. 


 With the in-depth implementation of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System" and the convening of the 2017 "Medical Reform Conference", the construction of the medical consortium, the reform of the salary system, the elimination of drug additions, multi-point practice, and institutional performance assessments have rapidly Become the focus of attention in the medical and health industry.

Looking back on the road of medical reform, although models such as: medical consortium of medical groups, joint management of three divisions and joint construction of joint management have been formed. "Difficult to see a doctor and expensive to see a doctor" have been relieved to a certain extent. However, it also triggers alternative thinking in the industry and society: How can the satisfaction of the masses be further improved? What kind of prospects will the medical and healthcare industry see after the "enclosure reshuffle"? Is there a crisis in the basic medical and health professionals? Where does the hospital's revenue decrease significantly?

However, no matter what evaluation or argument, it is certain that the reform of medical and health care is inevitable, and the "ten major tasks" are also clearer and cannot be slack. In 2017 and the next few years, the conflict between the old and new systems will become more intense. How can we manage ourselves in the midst of the medical reform frenzy? Facing new opportunities, how can we grasp our future?

Interpret hotspots in medical and health care, explore ways to break through, and foresee the future of medical reform. CCTV-IP Public Life "Medical China", China Net · Jinxiu Tianfu will hold the "Internet + Graded Diagnosis and Treatment and Supply Side Reform Dean Summit" in Chengdu, Sichuan, May 19-21, 2017. Specially invite the National Health and Family Planning Commission, leaders of various provinces and municipal health planning commissions, top experts in the industry, and well-known hospital directors to discuss the future of Chinese medical and health with the most insightful industry guests.

We sincerely invite you to participate and give your voice. let us:

Talk about medical reform and cheer for the future!

"2017 Internet + graded diagnosis and treatment and supply side reform" Dean Summit

1. Organization

Organizer: CCTV-IP "People's Life China" section of China Life · Jinxiu Tianfu.

Organizer: Sichuan Provincial Hospital Association, Sichuan Tianfu Health Industry Research Institute, Chengdu Xijing Hospital Management Research Institute.

Co-organizer: Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Sichuan Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Jianyang People's Hospital. Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Family and Life News

Invited media: People's Daily Online Xinhua Net Sichuan News Net Sichuan Online Sichuan TV Station Sichuan Daily Chengdu Daily   CHTV-People's Health West China Metropolis Daily Chengdu Business Daily Tencent NetEase Xinglin Medical Association ...

2. the meeting content

(1) Keynote speech

①The medical consortium, family doctors and information-based health world for all

② System innovation, leadership and modern hospital construction

③Reform of payment methods and clinical path management

④ Big data application, patient center, graded diagnosis and treatment and chronic disease management

(2) Thematic branch

① Special Session of Medical Group Construction of Medical Group ------- Forum Theme: Integration, Innovation and Academic Leadership

② Special Session on County Medical Community Construction ------------ Forum Theme: Service, Benefit, Responsibility, Development

③ Specialty Union Construction Special Session -------------- Forum Theme: Co-construction, Sharing, Win-win and Informatization

④ Special Session on Social Medicine ------------------- Forum Theme: Opportunities, Potential and Future

⑤ Salary System Reform and Performance Session --- Forum Theme: Talent, Ability, Remuneration and Comprehensive Development

⑥ Special Session on Health Industry and Informatization --------- Forum Theme: Family Doctor, Medical Security and Public Health

(3) Experience sharing (leveled diagnosis and treatment model exchange)

Sichuan model, Xiamen model, Hangzhou model, Shenzhen model ...

3. Special guests (partial)

Hosts to be invited:

Lang Yongchun: former famous host of CCTV and deputy director of the "Internet +" Research and Consulting Center of China Internet Association

Invited leaders and guests:

Liang Wannian: Director of the Department of System Reform of the National Health and Family Planning Commission

Shen Ji: Director of Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission

Liao Xinbo: Former inspector of Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission

Yao Guanhua: Director of Xiamen Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission

Luo Luxuan: Director of Shenzhen Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission

Tian Jun: Director of the Health Planning Department of the Social Undertaking Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone

Zhu Hengpeng: Director of the Public Policy Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Liu Yucun: Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Medical Department

Wang Hufeng: Director of Medical Reform Research Center of Renmin University of China

An Qi: President of Sichuan Hospital Association

Deng Shaoping: President of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital

Li Weimin: Dean of West China Hospital of Sichuan University

Jiang Jie: Dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University

Lin Hanqun: Vice President of Shenzhen Luohu District People's Hospital

Zheng Qiang: Dean of Chengdu Women and Children Center Hospital

Yang Sijin: Dean of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University

Sun Jian: Vice President of Peking University Medical Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Liu Yimin: President of Jianyang People's Hospital ................

4. Participants

(1) Leaders of relevant government departments, health and family planning administrative leaders, system reform and information center leaders (2)Hospital leaders and managers, department directors, medical institution managers and professionals, medical, nursing, pharmaceutical affairs managers and professionals, and representatives of other medical related organizations.

(3) IT industry representatives, investment institutions and innovation and entrepreneurial institutions.

5. Meeting time and location

    Meeting time: full-day registration on May 19, 2017, 20-21 formal meeting, leaving on the 22nd.

    Venue: Crowne Plaza Conference Center, Wenjiang, Chengdu, China

6. Conference expenses

 Competent department and hospital: 1280 yuan / person Medical enterprises and institutions: 1980 yuan / person

7. Contact Information

Contact: Teacher Su, Teacher Liu, Teacher Deng

Telephone: 028-87625586 13679057859 18982193868


Address: Room 412, Global Plaza, 99 First Ring Road, Chengdu