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Carry forward the spirit of the Red Army and build a healthy high-tech
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-05-12

The Party Branch of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association organized representatives of party members of institutions in the district to go to Langzhong Martyrs Cemetery to carry out patriotism education .

On June 22, 2019, the party branch of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association organized a party of more than 30 members of the medical institutions in the district to the Langzhong Martyrs Cemetery to carry out patriotism education activities. I express my profound admiration and nostalgia to the revolutionary pioneers who contributed to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation. This is one of the “Traveling All Over Sichuan” series of activities carried out by the Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Party --- "Remembering the Revolutionary History and Inheriting the Spirit of the Red Army" Party Class Education.

Coming to Langzhong Martyrs Cemetery, all the staff dedicated flowers to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs and expressed their nostalgia for the martyrs. In front of the monument, He Yuliang, secretary of the Medical Association, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party. The Secretary-General of the Medical Association Zeng Bin delivered a speech "Not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind", requesting the member units of the Medical Association to study the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and understand the general secretary Xi's in the "commemoration of the" May Fourth Movement "100th anniversary "Spirit of speech", constantly raise the awareness of party members, improve the cultivation of party spirit, and make their due achievements and contributions for the realization of the two hundred-year struggle goals and the realization of the Chinese dream. After that, all the staff visited the Red Army Memorial Hall. It reviewed the history of the arduous struggle carried out by the Red Army during the three years of fighting in Langzhong. The Red Army martyrs used blood to tell us that only by advancing can we have a bright future. It will always spur us to strive and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the glorious cause of the party!