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Chengdu High-tech Zone Grassroots Governance and Social Undertakings Poverty Alleviation Team's Trip (2)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-05-12

Pass over Luding Bridge, cross Paoma Mountain, and overnight at Xindu Bridge

The handsome boys and girls are always a restless team traveler. The chatter of the beauties of the poverty alleviation team, the handsome guy yelled and started from Chengdu. After Ya'an, Luding continued. When I arrived in Zuoduoshan and stayed at Xinduqiao overnight, "beautiful women have lost their color, and the handsome guys are silent."

After reaching Luding, crossing Kangbao, crossing more mountains, and reaching Xinduqiao, the strong altitude sickness brought by the high altitude caused the medical team's blood pressure to rise linearly, and taking antihypertensive drugs did not help. Some of the members of the team were dizzy and some were walking, and they didn't want to eat anymore. Deputy Director Fu Jie has been taking headache medicine. The players no longer have the intention to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. Dr. Yang Zhilin of Haiersen in Chengdu High-tech Zone had the most severe altitude sickness, with a pale and severe headache. Fortunately, the big beautiful woman leader Fu Jie kept calling the big one like the elder sister, cheering for everyone, and finally letting the players eat dinner before nine o'clock in the evening. After eating, most of them don't want to listen to the wonderful "journey guide" of teammate "Amo", and they are dizzy to sleep. Although the players are worried about the hardship of the next journey, they want to worry about the big sister Fu Jie anyway As a reminder, there is also Zhou Juqiao's attentive service and Amo along the way, the safe driving of the comrade driver, and the team members do not have to worry too much about the safety of the journey.


Comrade Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of the High-tech Zone Medical Association, was unable to participate in this Dege poverty alleviation trip due to work reasons. Pay attention to the hidden dangers on the road.


Tired for a day, there are still 10 hours of winding mountain road tomorrow, and the road poverty alleviation team fell asleep at ten.
