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Chengdu High-tech Zone Grassroots Governance and Social Undertakings Poverty Alleviation Team's Trip (4)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-05-12

The biological clock shouted Teacher Zhou Jueqiao at 6 o'clock in the morning. Teacher Zhou was busy preparing for the work and gathered all the medical team members at 6:30 and went to the free clinic in Manigango Town according to the schedule.

This time, the medical poverty alleviation team of the grass-roots governance and social undertakings of the High-tech Zone came to Dege for two tasks. The first is to provide free consultation for the people of Dege County and carry out medical poverty alleviation work. The second is to form a supporting pair with Dege grass-roots medical institutions, provide doctors in Dege grass-roots medical units with advanced training conditions, and provide in-depth medical technology assistance.



The free clinic site was set up at the Manigango Town Health Center. As soon as the free clinic was opened, the surrounding Tibetan compatriots came to the clinic from all directions one after another, filling the Manigango Town Health Center. The workload is so great that the exhausted team is overwhelmed. However, the team members still played a hundred-fold spirit and invested in the free clinic with the best mental state. Sister Fu Jie, the deputy director, went deep into the masses and pulled home with the villagers, consoling the children. By the end of the free clinic, there were more than 400 consultations and consultations.

Haiersen Hospital of High-tech Zone and Degemanigong Township Health Center formed a support pair, held a listing ceremony and signed the "Medical Assistance Agreement". In the agreement, Haiersen Hospital promised to provide free training and patient referral needs for medical staff of the Degmanigongo Township Health Center.

At noon, a donation ceremony for poverty alleviation materials was held at the Manigango Hospital. Comrade Fu Jie, Deputy Director of the High-tech Zone Health Development Center, donated more than 700,000 yuan worth of winter clothes, books, computers, medical equipment and other materials to the Dege County Health Bureau in Ganzi Prefecture on behalf of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Institution. On behalf of Dege County Health and Welfare Bureau, Comrade Zhu Jianfang, deputy director of the Dege County Health and Welfare Bureau, accepted the donation and expressed high appraisal and expressed my heartfelt gratitude to the medical institutions of Chengdu High-tech Zone. After the donation ceremony, Comrade Zhou Juqiao and Comrade Dege Health and Welfare Bureau completed the handover procedure.

The time of this free medical consultation is short and the task is heavy. The poverty alleviation team members of the medical poverty alleviation team suffered from the discomfort caused by the high and cold hypoxia and the fatigue of running for a long distance. Because they hold the people of Dege poor in their hearts, they must do some practical work for Dege's poverty alleviation work.

In the afternoon, after completing all medical poverty alleviation work plans, the poverty alleviation team set off on a journey back to Chengdu.

Goodbye, Dege's friends, I hope you will get rid of poverty and get well off soon!

Our hearts are always together!