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National Eye Love Day|You should know these health knowledge about eyes
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-06-06

The General Office of the National Health Commission pointed out in this year’s “National Eye Love Day” publicity campaign request, “Eye health is an important part of national health and involves the entire life cycle of people of all ages. China is the number of blind and visually impaired in the world One of the most countries."

With the faster and faster pace of life, people's eye frequency is getting higher and higher, and the incidence of eye diseases has increased. The eyes are the windows of the soul. Only with bright eyes can people see a clear world and love the eyes. Everyone should pay attention and take necessary measures.

On the occasion of the arrival of the 25th “National Eye-Love Day”, we joined the member unit Chengdu Huaxia Eye Hospital and invited four ophthalmologists, combined with the theme of this year's Eye-Love Day, to talk about eye health.

Will myopia be inherited? Will myopia surgery be inherited?

High myopia can be inherited. At present, high myopia (600 degrees and above) is considered to be a single-gene autosomal stealth genetic disease.

High myopia has undergone myopia surgery and will not change its genetic characteristics.

Is myopia surgery necessary? Is the technology mature? Are there any sequelae after doing it?

Myopia surgery is a safe and effective surgical method to correct vision. For those who like sports, beauty, and enlisting in the military, professional college entrance examinations (such as flying, nautical, firefighting, military police, criminal investigation, cooking, and many outdoor majors, medicine, transportation, etc., as many as dozens of majors have the naked eye vision of candidates Requirement) It is necessary to wait for the crowd.

There are two main types of myopia surgery: corneal laser surgery and intraocular lens implantation. The technology is very mature, safe and effective.

However, only patients who have undergone rigorous preoperative examinations and meet the conditions of myopia surgery (such as stable vision, sufficient corneal thickness, no keratoconus, no dry eye, no other eye problems, diseases, etc.) can undergo surgery. Otherwise, postoperative complications such as dry eyes, visual fatigue, vision loss, ghosting, glare, dizziness, and keratoconus may occur.

There are also very few patients who meet the surgical conditions with mild symptoms such as short dry eyes, visual fatigue, glare, and slow focusing within 3 months after surgery.

What is the performance of children with abnormal vision? How should parents find abnormal vision in their children in daily life?

Strabismus: what people call squinting. If the child has severe strabismus, it is easy to see. If the symptoms are not obvious, they can be found by careful observation. For example, when a child is looking at something, his eyes are not right, his head is often tilted to the side, he always wrestles, and he often closes his eyes in the sun. In addition, children with strabismus have poor ability to judge the space. They can put the pen cap on the table and let the children insert the pen from a high place. It is more difficult for children with strabismus to complete.

Myopia: I feel clear when looking near, and blurry when I see far, but not clear.

Hyperopia: Newborns are generally hyperopic, and preschool children are mild hyperopia. When less than 6 years old, people with low and moderate hyperopia have no symptoms; 6-20 years old, especially around 10 years old, the need for close reading increases, the reading font becomes smaller, and visual symptoms begin to appear. The main clinical manifestations of hyperopia are prone to visual fatigue, conscious eyeballs, orbital soreness and pain, blurred vision, occasional headaches, nausea, and vomiting, especially when working at close range, and the symptoms disappear after rest.

What is meant by "a photo in the fundus, the eye disease will know early"? What are the effects?

The eyes are the windows of the mind, and many systemic diseases can more or less cause eye lesions, and even the first symptoms of certain diseases are manifested in the eyes. The vitreous and retina located at the back of the eye are collectively referred to as the fundus. It is the only place where the arteries, veins, and capillaries can be directly and concentratedly observed with the naked eye. These blood vessels can reflect the blood circulation and health of the whole body.

For example, hemorrhage of the fundus is a serious diabetic complication. Hypertension, coronary heart disease and kidney disease will also leave "snake traces" on the fundus. The fundus retina can reflect the influence of the growth of myopia on the health of the retina. For example, in high myopia, the retina is stretched and thinned due to the growth of the eye axis to form a leopard-shaped fundus.

Fundus examination is not only an important method for checking eye diseases, but also a window for systemic disease monitoring. When the systemic disease has developed to a certain degree, the eye will often undergo corresponding abnormal changes. By examining the eye, it can help to diagnose the systemic disease clearly, and it can also be used for the purposeful treatment of the systemic disease according to the changes in the fundus and estimate the whole body The prognosis of sexual diseases.

Fundus photography is an important method of fundus examination, so there is the saying "one photo of the fundus, and the eye disease has been known for a long time."

Cataract tips

What is cataract?

The main blinding eye diseases common in cataracts. Cataracts are divided into acquired and congenital. There are currently more than 9 million blind people in China, of which about 4 million are blinded by cataracts. There is a tissue in the human eye called crystal. Under normal circumstances, it is transparent. The light passes through it and some refractive interstitium to reach the retina, so that the external objects can be clearly seen. Once the crystal is caused by turbidity for some reason, it hinders When the light passes through the retina normally, you can't see clearly. Simply put, crystal-like turbidity causes vision loss and is called cataract.

Cataract symptoms:

1. Blurred vision or ghosting;

2. The color of the object is dim;

3. Difficult reading in dark light;

4. A halo (aperture) appears when looking at the light;

5. Have to change glasses frequently

Treatment of cataract

At present, the medical profession recognizes that surgery is the only effective way to treat cataracts.

Are eye protection products on the market really useful?

At present, the eye protection products on the market are dazzling, but they are also mixed.

From the perspective of protecting eyesight, including common eye protection products such as steam eye protection patches, Chinese medicine eye protection patches, electric eye protection devices, etc., they do not have medical treatment functions, so they do not have the function of preventing vision loss or improving vision. . These products have only partially relieved visual fatigue.

From the perspective of alleviating dryness and fatigue of the eyes, some products can massage the eyes, accelerate blood circulation in the eyes, relieve visual fatigue, improve the function of the meibomian glands, and relieve dry eyes.

Does wearing lenses or contact lenses often hurt my eyes? Wear glasses and the correct way to deal with dry eyes.

Long-term wear of contact lenses or contact lenses is more likely to reduce eye vision, eye fatigue, eye nerve palsy, corneal wear, and may also induce diseases such as dry eye, keratitis, conjunctivitis, and corneal edema. Therefore, the doctor recommends: wash your hands when wearing contact lenses or contact lenses to avoid bacterial infections; it is best not to wear for a long time, and continuous contact lenses should not be worn for more than 8 hours a day.

When wearing contact lenses or contact lenses with dry eyes, stop wearing them immediately. If the dryness of the eyes is not relieved after the wear is stopped, artificial tears can be used appropriately. If the symptom still does not relieve, you need to go to the ophthalmology department to determine the cause of dry eyes and treat the symptomatically.

More and more people are suffering from "dry eye syndrome", what is the reason? How to treat and prevent?

The main symptoms of dry eye syndrome are dry eyes, foreign body sensation, visual fatigue, photophobia and tears, and fluctuations in vision. In severe cases, it can affect normal work and life. Dry eye syndrome is a chronic disease, the main causes are:

1. Due to physiological reasons such as advanced age, lack of sleep, mental stress, etc., the quality of tear fluid is reduced;

2. Taking some antihypertensive drugs and some mental stabilizers have an effect on the tear film. For example, taking chlorpheniramine has a harmful effect on the tear film. Taking propranol and certain contraceptives will reduce the production of tears;

3 Environment, such as dry room, can cause increased evaporation of tears;

4. Faced with computer work, car driving, reading and other delicate operations for a long time, the number of blinks is reduced;

5. Wear contact lenses, contact lenses, allergic conjunctivitis, air pollution, excessive ultraviolet rays, etc., causing tear fluid reduction and quality degradation;

6. Long-term use of antibiotics leads to dysbiosis.

If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, you should consult a doctor in time and cooperate with relevant examinations to actively treat according to different causes.

For tear-deficient dry eyes, 1. Try to remove the factors that cause dry eyes, such as avoiding long-term use of computers and staying in the air-conditioned room for too long; 2. Use artificial tears to replace your own tears to help lubricate the eyes; 3. Temporary or Permanently block the small tears of the discharge channel to reduce the discharge of tear fluid; 4. In severe cases, a gland capable of producing fluid can be transplanted to replace the lacrimal gland.

For dry eyes with excessive evaporation, it is necessary to restore the function of the meibomian glands, clean the edges of the eyelids and the roots of the eyelashes, apply heat, and squeeze out more meibomian gland secretions in time. You can also choose local antibiotics, hormones and artificial tears. Card treatment.

For the dry eye caused by immune system diseases, it is recommended to actively treat the original disease, and at the same time treat the symptomatic according to the specific eye conditions.

Common eye trauma and treatment in daily life

According to the cause of injury, eye trauma can be divided into mechanical and non-mechanical trauma. Among them, mechanical eye trauma includes non-penetrating trauma, penetrating trauma, and foreign body injuries. Non-mechanical eye trauma, including thermal burns, chemical injuries, radiation injuries and gas injuries.

Intraocular foreign body

Never rub your eyes when there are particles in your eyes. The upper eyelid can be raised forward and pulled down to pull the lower eyelid, and allow the eyelashes to brush out the particles in the upper eyelid; close the eyes or blink several times to let the particles flow out of the tears; you can also use normal saline or cold water to rinse . If the particles are still present, close your eyes and send to the hospital's ophthalmology department as soon as possible for treatment by a physician.

Eye bruise

Give ice pack immediately for about 15 minutes to reduce pain and swelling. If the orbit becomes dark or blurred vision, it may be bleeding in the eyeball or other injuries, you must immediately send it to the hospital to have an ophthalmologist check and treat.

Chemical burn

Immediately flush eyes with normal saline or tap water, and use your fingers to spread the eyelids open, the bigger the better. You can even put your head under the faucet and let the water directly rinse your eyes for at least 15 minutes, while turning your eyes as much as possible. After flushing, send to hospital immediately.

Eye cut wound

Gently bandage the eyes. Do not try to remove any objects stuck in the eyes or eyelids, and avoid touching or rubbing the eyeballs, and then immediately take to the hospital.

Daily eye protection recommendations

Preventive measures for myopia:

1) Pay attention to eye hygiene and correct bad eye habits. For example, the posture of reading and writing should be correct. The distance should be appropriate (about 33 cm), and you should take a short rest after 1 hour of continuous use at close range. You should not lie down or read books, play mobile phones, or play games on a turbulent vehicle;

2) The light is appropriate, but it is weak or too strong, the TV brightness and color are moderate, the blackboard is not reflective, and the desk height and slope must be appropriate;

3) Strengthen physical exercise, participate more in outdoor activities, look out into the distance, relax and adjust tension.

4) Check your eyesight regularly and receive eye examinations.

Preventive measures for keratitis:

1) Cultivate good personal hygiene habits, pay attention to cleaning at all times, wash hands with soap and keep them dry. Avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands;

2) Avoid mechanical or chemical corneal trauma;

3) Do not buy eye drops by yourself or borrow others' eye drops for use;

4) Avoid contact with towels, soap, bedding, etc. used by others;

From a dietary point of view, balanced nutrition should be achieved to ensure adequate intake of vitamins; eat less greasy food, do not overeating, excessive intake of salt and sugar, quit smoking, and avoid excessive drinking.