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About blood donation, Kang Kang is enough!
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-06-12

People who meet the conditions of blood donation donate 200-400 ml of blood, which does not exceed one-tenth of the total amount of normal human blood, and will not cause substantial damage to the body.

If you donate platelets, it takes only 2 days to return to the original level.

Scientific blood donation, no harm to health!

Rumors from the rivers and lakes: Blood stations cheated people to donate blood for free, and then the hospital sold it to patients at high prices!

Purely rumor!

Blood is priceless, blood itself is not charged!

The cost of clinical blood payment for patients is the cost of blood collection, storage, separation and testing.

The charges for clinical blood charges are uniformly formulated by the state and implemented by all provinces and cities.

Blood collection must be performed by qualified medical personnel!

Blood collection must use disposable blood collection equipment, can not use reusable blood collection equipment!

Disposable blood collection equipment must be destroyed after use!

Free blood donation will not infect HIV and other diseases!

In order to obtain money, donors who "sell blood" may conceal their own safety risks and increase the risk of using blood. Without giving money, there is no need for blood donors to conceal their unhealthy factors. Unpaid blood donation is the only way to ensure that blood comes from healthy groups.

Free blood donation is for blood safety.

Blood transfusions between immediate family members may cause "transfusion-related graft-versus-host disease", which will result in death!

Blood transfusion between immediate relatives, part of the genetic genes of the two are the same, it is difficult for the recipient to identify the donor's lymphocytes and to exclude and clear, let it multiply, but instead the skin, digestive tract, liver, kidney and other tissues of the recipient Rejected and attacked as a foreign body, causing serious damage to the organs, resulting in death of the blood recipient.

Couples with fertility needs should not transfuse each other!

Man can only lose human blood!

The so-called "panda blood" is not the blood of pandas, but refers to the rare Rh Yin blood, as little as the national treasure giant panda!

There are Rh negative A type, Rh negative B type, Rh negative O type, Rh negative AB type.

Who can donate blood?

1. Adulthood and health;

2. The weight should not be too light, men are more than 50 kg, women are more than 45 kg;

3. Blood pressure is stable.

Before the blood donation, the staff of the blood center will conduct a simple physical examination of the blood donors, and if they pass the examination, they can prepare for blood donation!

What should I pay attention to before donating blood?

1. Eat a balanced diet, do not eat too greasy food, do not drink alcohol, do not stay up late;

2. Do not take medicine, medicine will affect blood function;

3. Do not fast.

What should I pay attention to after donating blood?

1. Sit down and press the pinhole for about 15 minutes. Do not touch the pinhole within 24 hours;

2. Rest normally, avoid strenuous exercise or engage in dangerous work;

3. Normal diet, supplement water;

4. The interval between two whole blood donations is at least 6 months.