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Everyone is responsible for knowing Ai Fang Ai! (With practical information)
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-06-15

Common prevention and control

Give full play to the advantages and functions of social organizations, grassroots medical and health institutions, residents' committees, villagers' committees, etc. involved in AIDS prevention and treatment, emphasize individual health responsibility awareness, and work together with government departments and other social forces to jointly prevent and control AIDS and promote the "Healthy China Action" "Contribute to curbing the AIDS epidemic and building a healthy China.

In the matter of anti-AIDS, in addition to having love, you also need to have sufficient knowledge reserves. The high-tech health lecture hall will share with you some knowledge about AIDS today!


"AIDS" is called "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome". It is an infectious disease caused by AIDS virus (HIV), which has no preventive vaccine, effective cure, and extremely high mortality. The AIDS virus mainly destroys the human immune system and reduces the body's immunity. When the immune function is destroyed to a certain extent, the infected person will develop into an AIDS patient, with unexplained long-term low fever, weight loss, night sweats, chronic diarrhea, cough and other symptoms. Antiviral therapy is the only effective means to reduce the morbidity and mortality. According to the survey results, the average life expectancy of patients receiving early antiviral therapy can be close to that of normal people.

way for spreading

 HIV is mainly found in blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk and wound exudates of infected persons. AIDS is spread mainly through sexual contact, blood and mother-to-child transmission.

1. Sexual transmission: including heterosexual sex, homosexual sex, and bisexual sex; in the world, sexual transmission is the main method of AIDS transmission. The more sexual partners, the greater the risk of contracting AIDS.

2. Blood transmission: sharing syringes for intravenous drug use, importing blood and products containing HIV, etc.

3. Mother-to-child transmission: AIDS is transmitted to infants and young children through the placenta, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

window period

Refers to the time from HIV infection to HIV antibody detection, usually 2 weeks to 6 months. The window period is infectious and easily overlooked. The length of the window period is related to the amount of virus. The short window period is due to the rapid increase in the amount of virus to produce antibodies early; the longer the window period, the longer the course of disease.

Incubation period

Called the asymptomatic period, it refers to the period from the acute HIV infection period to the time of the patient's onset, which is generally 6-10 years and is infectious. During this period, patients can be tested for HIV antibodies, but there are almost no symptoms, and only some patients can have systemic lymphadenopathy.

Don't be afraid

 The following behaviors will not spread HIV:

1. Shake, hug, touch, and politely kiss people living with HIV;

2. Eating, drinking and sharing tableware and cups with people living with HIV;

3. Use public facilities with people living with HIV, such as toilets, swimming pools, public baths, telephones, and buses:

4. Live, work and share labor tools with people living with HIV;

5. Coughing, sneezing, crying, sweating;

6. Mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and other insect bites.


1. Adopt safe sex, cleanse yourself and be single with sexual partners. Use condoms every time, all times, and use condoms correctly.

2. Do not engage in illegal activities such as prostitution and prostitution. Do not stick to drugs, take drugs, stay away from drugs.

3. Do not share syringes, needles, shaving, toothbrushes, etc. with others.

Free testing

  If you have had high-risk behaviors that are susceptible to AIDS, or suspect that you may be infected with HIV, it is recommended that you undergo AIDS-related testing. Nine community health service centers in the high-tech zone will provide you with free voluntary HIV counseling and antibody testing services, and Protect your privacy.

Nanxin Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 38 Tianhui Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

Phone: 028-65716166

Guixi Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 1102, Kunhua Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

Phone: 028-86036079-8305

Xiaojiahe Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 24, No. 41, Xiaojiahe Middle Street, Wuhou District

Phone: 028-85122328

Fangcao Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 10 Chuangrui Street, High-tech Zone

Phone: 028-85136980

Shiyang Community Health Service Center

Address: 1888 Jincheng Avenue, High-tech Zone

Phone: 028-85114120

Yongan Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 79-81 Tianchang Road, High-tech Zone

Phone: 028-67897857

Xiyuan Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 120 Tiancai Road, High-tech Zone

Phone: 028-87926120

Cooperative Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 171, Qingyuanhuan Street, Qingjiang Community, Heping Street, High-tech Zone

Phone: 028-87926120

Zhonghe Community Health Service Center

Address: No. 56, Section 3, Zhonghe Avenue

Phone: 028-85658497