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About the cervical cancer vaccine, Kang Kang knows this!
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-06-30

What is a cervical cancer vaccine? What are HPV high-risk and low-risk types?

Answer: Cervical cancer is the most common gynecological malignant tumor. More than 90% of cervical cancers are associated with high-risk HPV infection. There are more than 130 types of HPV virus. Cervical cancer vaccine, also known as HPV vaccine, is a vaccine to prevent the onset of cervical cancer.

HPV virus is divided into high-risk type and low-risk type. The high-risk type can cause cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, and anal cancer, and the low-risk type can cause genital warts (condyloma acuminatum).

Studies of cervical cancer tissue specimens from countries around the world have found that HPV 16 and 18 have the highest infection rates. Of all the types detected, HPV 16 accounts for 50% and HPV 18 accounts for 14%.

HPV types 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancer, 80% of anal cancer, 60% of vaginal tumors and 40% of vulvar cancer.

Is cervical cancer vaccine suitable for women who have married and had children? Can men also get injections?

Answer: The US Centers for Disease Control and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend: two prices for unmarried or married women aged 9-45, and four prices for unmarried or married women aged 20-45.

The younger the vaccination, the higher the titer after vaccination and the better the prevention effect.

The antibody titer is slightly higher in males than females.

Asexual women have the best vaccinations and are more important than age.

Male injection can prevent genital warts (condyloma acuminatum), anal and penile cancer, and rectal cancer.

Is the cervical cancer vaccine introduced in China imported? How many cervical cancer vaccines are there?

Answer: The first domestic approved HPV vaccine is the imported divalent cervical cancer vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline.

After more than 10 years of clinical use, the bivalent vaccine is safe.

The quadrivalent vaccine produced by Merck has already been launched in China.

The 9-valent vaccine produced by Merck has already been launched in China.

What are two-valent (two-in-one), four-valent (four-in-one) and nine-valent (nine-in-one) cervical cancer vaccines, and what is the difference?

A: The bivalent vaccine is mainly used to prevent high-risk types 16 and 18 HPV viruses. It is suitable for women to be vaccinated. It is suitable for ages 9-45 years. The sequence of vaccination is: the first injection at any time, the second injection after one month, and the third after 6 months Needle (the age of the last vaccination is less than 26 years old). The three-needle fee is 2400 yuan.

The tetravalent vaccine protects against four types of viruses, namely low-risk types 6 and 11, high-risk types 16 and 18, and is suitable for men and women aged 20-45 years. The vaccination sequence is the first shot at any time, two months After the second stitch, the third stitch in six months.

Nine-valent vaccines prevent nine types of viruses, namely low-risk types 6, 11 and high-risk types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. It is suitable for vaccination of men and women aged 16-26. The vaccination sequence is the first injection at any time, the second injection after two months, and the third injection after six months.

Bivalent vaccine can prevent cervical cancer, vulvar cancer and perianal cancer.

The four and nine valences can prevent cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, and perianal cancer, as well as genital warts (condyloma acuminatum).

Regardless of whether it is bivalent, tetravalent or ninth, the antibody titer after immunization is maintained for 8-9 years.

Can pregnant women, breast-feeding, and menstrual period be vaccinated with cervical cancer vaccine?

Answer: The HPV vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, which theoretically will not cause adverse effects on pregnancy.

Although a medical record registration system for pregnant women using vaccines has been established, the safety of vaccination during pregnancy has not been fully evaluated.

The four guidelines do not recommend testing whether a woman is pregnant before vaccination, but it is still recommended to use contraception during vaccination. If pregnancy is found, follow-up vaccination should be stopped until the vaccination is completed after delivery.

Vaccination can be given during lactation and menstruation.

It is recommended to postpone the vaccination for half a year before considering pregnancy.

What should I do if it is not convenient to continue the second and third shots? Can it be given with other vaccines?

A: There is no need to restart the vaccination for any missed one. Continue to complete the subsequent vaccination.

The combined application of HPV vaccine and other vaccines does not affect the immune response of HPV, and can be given at the same time as other vaccines.

Wouldn't cervical cancer cause cervical cancer? Can I have cervical CIN and genital warts?

Answer: The current vaccines are all preventive vaccines, not therapeutic vaccines.

Vaccination does not completely prevent cervical cancer.

HPV vaccination cannot replace routine cervical cancer screening, and it is still recommended that all vaccinated women regularly check cervical TCT every year.

The HPV vaccine cannot target all types of HPV, and it is still recommended that all vaccinated women regularly check for cervical HPV.

The HPV vaccine has no therapeutic effect on existing lesions, such as infected cervical HPV virus, cervical CIN, cervical cancer, and condyloma acuminatum.

Cervical cancer vaccine safety and common adverse reactions?

Answer: The number of HPV vaccines has exceeded 57,000, and it has not been found that the use of vaccines can cause serious complications.

Common adverse reactions after vaccination: pain, redness, swelling, headache, syncope, fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting at the injection site.

Some patients experience syncope during vaccination. The preventive method is to lie flat and observe for 15 minutes after injection. If the patient's adverse reaction performance after vaccination meets the hypersensitivity reaction, subsequent vaccination needs to be cautious or terminated.

Can I get cervical cancer vaccine if I have been infected with HPV virus?

Answer: For women who have never checked HPV during sex, it is recommended to check the value of cervical TCT and HPV infection before injection. To avoid missed diagnosis.

Nanxin Community Health Service Center carries out TCT and HPV virus detection, which can check the type of HPV infection and the specific number of virus infections

How to make an appointment for cervical cancer vaccine?

Reservation method:

1. Make an appointment at the Gynecology Department of Nanxin Community Health Service Center:

Check the HPV and TCT in the gynecological consultation of Nanxin Community Hospital, and make an appointment (2 or 4 price) with the help of gynecology. Consultation telephone 028-65716166 ext. 3.

2. Make an appointment on the WeChat public account "Yue Miao", Friday 8:30-16:00 special.

Take the bivalent example:

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HPV appointment vaccination → click mine → bind mobile phone → click appointment vaccination to select the nearby community health service center → choose two or four price cervical cancer vaccine to make an appointment!
