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World Allergic Disease Day | Beware of skin allergies in summer
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-07-08

There is such a group of people, they must be cautious no matter what they do, just because they are prone to allergies.

July 8 is World Allergic Disease Day

Allergic diseases have been listed by the World Health Organization as one of the three important diseases for the 21st century. Summer is also a period of high incidence of allergic diseases. Today, Xiaobian will take stock of the causes of summer allergy problems and ways to avoid allergies.

Air conditioners are always on

There are many pathogenic bacteria in the air-conditioning area, such as mites, dust, pollen and mold. Summer temperature and humidity are very favorable for mite growth and reproduction, so it is easy to cause summer mite allergy.

The mite body is very tiny, and it is difficult for humans to find it with the naked eye. The toxins released after it bites the human body can easily make people allergic to urticaria symptoms such as papules and erythema. If it is scratched by hand, it can also cause skin infections and purulence.

Jewelry allergy

In patients with contact dermatitis in the summer, many are caused by wearing metal necklaces, and others are caused by wearing bracelets, anklets, and earrings. The allergic symptoms of these people are manifested in the parts where the jewelry is in contact with the skin, and some people will have a systemic allergic reaction, first the skin is red and swollen, and then they start to have small pimples, blisters, and even itching all over the body.

food allergy

There are many kinds of food in summer, some of which are allergic factors, such as fish, shrimp, crab, etc. These foods are prone to cause skin redness, rash, itching, wheal and other symptoms. In addition, food additives such as condiments, colors, preservatives, etc. can also cause allergies.

UV allergy

After exposure to the sun, erythema and blisters appear on the exposed skin of the neck, arms, shoulders and back, and itching is unbearable. The erythema and edema subside after a few days, followed by desquamation, molting, and leaving temporary Pigmentation. This process is an acute damaging reaction of the skin under strong sunlight. Repeated sunburns will make the skin sensitive to light and produce a photosensitizing reaction.

Changes in temperature and humidity

Many white-collar workers sit and work in the office every day. The moisture of the skin is dried up by the air conditioner, which causes the skin's stratum corneum to be seriously dehydrated, the skin circulation is disordered, and there is redness or red blood on the face.

Antiperspirant allergy

Some people are worried about excessive sweating in summer, and the underarm clothes will be soaked in large pieces, which greatly affects the image, so they use deodorant antiperspirants. Its main function is to temporarily close the sweat gland duct as an astringent, transforming the sweat glands into small sweat glands, and the natural spices play a role in aroma masking and deodorization.

From a pharmaceutical point of view, the principle of antiperspirant is reasonable, but from a physiological point of view, forcibly antiperspirant can cause clogged pores and metabolic products can not be discharged normally. In addition, some people will also be allergic to certain substances in the deodorant bead, which can cause allergic dermatitis in severe cases. Once there is redness, swelling, itching, etc. in the smeared area, you should seek medical treatment in time to avoid expanding the condition.

Pay attention to details to avoid allergies

To deal with allergies, the most effective measure is to find out allergen-inducing factors and stay away from this substance. Second, pay attention to some details in life.

01 Regular cleaning

Regular cleaning, air conditioning and bedding are the keys. Regularly clean the air-conditioning filter, pay attention to indoor ventilation, and help reduce the growth of dust mites and mold; during use, the filter can be removed and rinsed every half a month. If possible, you can also clean the air-conditioned external unit that accumulates more dust mites. At the same time, people with skin allergies are more likely to change pillow towels and pillow covers frequently to dry the pillow core.

02 hydration inside and outside

In summer, not only should drink plenty of water to increase skin metabolism, but also add more water to the skin. You can use gel-like skin care products with less oil in summer. People with thin skin must shorten the bath time. Long bathing time and warm water can easily make the skin sebum film lose its natural protective ability.

03 Avoid exposure

Try to avoid going out when the sunlight is too strong. Going out must wear an umbrella, wear a hat or wear long-sleeved clothes. You can apply sunscreen properly half an hour before going out. Try sunscreen before you choose it. Make sure you are not allergic and use it in a large area.

04 Eat more vegetables

Onions and garlic contain anti-inflammatory compounds, and eating more can prevent the onset of allergies. In addition, in summer, eat as little or no raw seafood as possible, and boil the seafood with hot water before eating. This can reduce the occurrence of allergies.

05 Reasonable temperature and humidity

Find ways to increase the humidity in the air, such as using a humidifier in an air-conditioned room. But too wet environment is not good for the skin. Dust mites will multiply when the air humidity is high, so the indoor air humidity cannot be higher than 40%. It is best to use an air humidity meter.

06 Desensitization Treatment

For some patients with severe symptoms, they can resort to medical methods to change their allergic constitution. Subcutaneous injection of altered allergens and antigen infusions made of milk, pollen and other substances, and gradually increasing the concentration of allergens, so that allergy sufferers develop resistance to allergic substances.