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Today's ambush, take a look at winter disease and summer treatment!
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-07-17

What does "winter disease and summer cure" mean?

What diseases are effective? Can it operate by itself?

When does winter disease and summer treatment begin? How to remedy the miss?

Who is suitable for?

In response to the concerns of everyone,

In this issue, we will give you a detailed answer.

Why should the illness in winter be adjusted in summer?

Before explaining the treatment of winter diseases and summer, please recall the key link that is inexhaustible to all things on earth-the circulation of water in nature.

Water from the glacier to the Haihe River to the land, nourishes everything in the cycle of "solid-liquid-vapor". And the sun is the fundamental driving force for the water cycle change of life, "the hands behind the scenes", so there is the saying that "all things grow by the sun".

Interestingly, as a member of nature, humans also have a "water cycle" in their bodies, and this cycle is called a "fine cycle." The human body plays the role of the "sun" to promote the circulation of essence, and it is the "yang" that realizes the physiological functions of the internal organs. There are congenital and acquired yang qi. The congenital yang comes from the parents, and the acquired yang is supplied by medicines.

Human body yang is the same as the sun, both men and women gradually decrease like a parabola in adulthood, and the modern people's bad living habits such as cold wading, cold eating, cold, greed, and irregular work schedule accelerate the loss of yang, resulting in cold in the body Drinking, phlegm and dampness accumulate, resulting in cold diseases such as cold and asthma, chronic diarrhea, cold and damp osteoarthropathy, dysmenorrhea, etc. This type of disease occurs or worsens in the winter when the weather is relatively cold, this is called "winter disease".

The treatment of this kind of winter disease in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is "cold people are hot". The classics of traditional Chinese medicine "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" record the treatment of "heat" in the "spring and summer Yang Yang, autumn and winter Yang Yin, from its roots" and "Chang Xia Sheng Dong" is what modern times calls "Xia Zhi".

Therefore, "winter disease and summer treatment" refers to the fact that the sun is the most prosperous and the lungs are full of qi and blood. Under the favorable conditions that the internal and external environments of the human body are in a state of yang fullness, due to the situation, the cold can be eliminated and the yang can be saved 1. Regulate the balance of yin and yang in the human body, improve the patient's own immunity, and help the rehabilitation of cold and cold diseases.

What diseases does winter disease have in summer?

Winter disease and summer treatment are mainly used for the treatment of deficiency and cold diseases with insufficient yang due to its "cold and hot" characteristics.

In general, winter diseases and summer diseases can be roughly divided into the following three categories:

(1) Pulmonary related diseases: rhinitis, chronic cough, chronic pharyngitis, and cold in the vacant.

(2) Pain: neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, knee osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, stomach pain, dysmenorrhea, etc.

(3) Other categories: chronic enteritis, indigestion, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, nocturia, enuresis, etc.

Different diseases have corresponding acupoint prescriptions or drug prescriptions for symptomatic treatment.

When does winter disease and summer treatment begin?

San Fu is the most vigorous season of yang in a year, and the yang of the human body also reaches its peak. At this time, human skin has the highest temperature and humidity, and the pores are the most open, which is conducive to the transdermal absorption of drugs. Therefore, three volts is the best time for "winter disease and summer treatment".

Three volts refers to the first, middle, and last volts, which is the hottest time of the year.

"Three volts" is calculated based on the lunar calendar, and the third day after the summer solstice is the first volt. The beginning of this year is July 16, the middle is July 26, and the last is August 15. If you miss the three volts, you can also choose to be treated at the Geng day of the lunar month, that is, 10 days/time, to achieve the purpose of consolidation treatment.

Can winter disease and summer treatment be operated at home?

Common methods for treating winter disease in summer include acupoint application, acupressure, moxibustion and acupuncture. Among them, the most suitable for self-operation is moxibustion.

Moxa sticks can be purchased in hospitals or pharmacies. After being ignited, it is 3 cm to 5 cm away from the skin. Tolerable and not scalded, it burns the navel (Shenque point) and Zusanli on the outside of the calves 2 to 3 times a week. Or the spring at the heart of the foot to achieve the purpose of prevention and treatment.

Acupoint application, acupuncture and other therapies have higher requirements for acupoint positioning operations. It is not recommended to operate at home by yourself. You need to go to a regular medical institution for treatment to avoid danger.

Sky moxibustion is the main method of non-hot moxibustion in Chinese medicine moxibustion, also known as foaming therapy. It is a method of using drugs to stimulate acupuncture points to make the local skin red and congested, even blistering, to stimulate meridians, adjust qi and blood, and prevent and cure diseases.

It should be particularly emphasized that the practice of buying Tian Moxie stickers or Tian Moxie powders at home is very inappropriate.

First, although moxibustion has good curative effect, it is not suitable for all groups of people. Second, the accuracy of acupuncture points is related to the effectiveness of curative effects. It is difficult for non-professional medical personnel to find acupuncture points.

In addition, during the treatment of sky moxibustion, doctors choose different acupuncture points according to the patient's syndrome differentiation results and different constitutions and other factors. Patients often do not have medical knowledge and are not familiar with the diagnosis and syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, so the treatment effect is difficult to be guaranteed.

Is "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment" suitable for all people?

Taking the most commonly used acupuncture point application for winter disease and summer treatment as an example, it is generally more suitable for children or adults over 2 years old. Because young children have delicate skin and cannot express their feelings well, use them with caution.

In addition, the treatment methods of "winter disease and summer treatment" are of the warm and singe temperature type. For people who usually have damp heat, yin deficiency and fiery heat, they need to use it under the guidance of a doctor to avoid "pouring oil on fire".