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Today’s heat, it’s better to be "clear" and "quiet"
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-07-22

Great heat is the last solar term of summer and the hottest season of the year. The weather is hot and rainy this season, how should one maintain health?

  Great summer health care pays attention to "clean" and "quiet"

  The key to health preservation in the summer solar terms is "clearing", that is, "clearing" under the premise of focusing on "cleaning" diet and "clearing heat" of the body.

  "Cleansing tonic" must first eliminate dampness. Eat light, digestible foods to avoid harming the gastrointestinal function. Like yam, lotus root, etc., they are all good tonic products. Mung bean clears heat and barley dampness, especially mung bean and barley porridge, which can be used to clear heat and dampness during the summer.

  "Cleaning" is the top priority of food hygiene in summer. Food is prone to spoilage in hot weather, which can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders. The opened beverages and food should be sealed and refrigerated. In addition, we must also pay attention to the shelf life of food, and do not eat unclean or spoiled food.

To prevent heatstroke in summer, you should pay attention to reasonable work arrangements to achieve a combination of work and rest; avoid exposure to the sun; pay attention to indoor cooling; adequate sleep; and pay attention to food hygiene. Those who have the conditions, after entering the summer, should often take some prescriptions for aromatizing turbidity and clearing damp heat.

During the summer season, do not expose your body to high temperatures to prevent the body's thermoregulatory function from decreasing. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. When doing outdoor sports, you should choose breathable clothing, use an umbrella and wear a sun hat, and it is best to carry Huoxiang Zhengqi water, Rendan, cooling oil and other medicines with you.

During the summer months, people are easily irritable, excited, and like to lose their temper, and are in a bad mood. They should pay attention to daily self-regulation. In daily life, avoid being overly excited, impatient and angry. On the day of the great summer heat, you can restrain your mind, suppress the fire, and reach the state of "the mind is calm and naturally cool".

Less movement and more static, exercise should be chosen sooner or later

The weather is very hot during the summer, the human body's yang qi walks on the surface of the muscles, floating on the surface, easy to sweat, often sweating when moving, the human body is easy to feel tired. "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" states that "spring and summer nourish the sun". In hot weather, the principle of "less movement and more quietness" should be followed, and care should be taken to protect Yang Qi and maintain physical strength. In the scorching sun, you should avoid going out as much as possible and reduce activities in the open air to prevent excessive sweating and damage to the sun.

    Pay attention to the combination of work and rest in daily work and life. In leisure time, you can practice calligraphy and painting, listen to songs and read, enjoy tea and flowers, so as to calm the mind, calm the sun and lower the energy. Exercise should be carried out in the early morning or evening when the temperature is relatively low. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided to prevent the sun from generating heat and excessive sweating, which may cause qi and body loss.

    At this time, you can choose more gentle exercises, such as walking, walking, yoga, Baduanjin, Tai Chi, etc. The exercise intensity is based on slight sweating, and remember not to sweat profusely. If you are doing high-intensity exercises such as running and playing ball, you should control the time. Otherwise, the exercise time is too long and excessive sweating will not achieve the effect of exercise, but will easily lead to physical loss.

Three principles of diet

First, eat more foods that dry dampness and invigorate the spleen. In the summer season, in addition to the heat, there will be rainy or rainy weather. The climate performance is mainly humid and hot. Therefore, from the perspective of traditional health preservation, special attention should be paid to the prevention of "heat and humidity". Heat dampness invades the human body, which can cause symptoms such as full chest and diaphragm, tasteless diet, sticky mouth, dizziness, swelling of the head, and heavy limbs. Therefore, it should be prevented or treated by means of clearing heat, removing dampness and strengthening spleen.

     Second, foods that nourish qi and yin are indispensable. The weather in the summer is very hot, sweating a lot, it is easy to lose the air and hurt the yin. At this time, people often have "no disease and three points of deficiency." Therefore, in addition to replenishing water in time, you should also eat some foods that nourish qi and nourish yin to strengthen your physical fitness, so that the evil of dampness and heat can take advantage of. But the selected food must be light and not too rich, otherwise it will easily hinder the stomach and cause indigestion. Such as yam, jujube, sea cucumber, egg, milk, honey, lotus root, fungus, turtle, soy milk, lily porridge, chrysanthemum porridge, etc. are all summer tonics, which can be selected according to personal taste.

     Third, the supply of protein needs to be sufficient. In summer, the temperature is relatively high, the metabolism of the human body is increased, and the energy consumption is high. Therefore, the supply of protein must be increased appropriately. The daily intake should be 100-120 grams. Vegetable protein can be obtained from soy products. In addition to dairy products, animal protein should also be eaten appropriately. For meat in summer, flat or cold meat products such as chicken, duck, lean pork, and pigeon meat are preferred. The health preservation of Dashu emphasizes "just stay cool and avoid the heat", but the weather is hot, the appetite is poor, and the body resistance will be reduced. Coarse grains are not only rich in nutrients, but also buckwheat, corn and other foods that are cool or warm and suitable for summer.

How to relieve the heat in the hot summer? Recipe recommendation

After entering the heat, there will be more "sauna days" with high humidity and high heat, and the accumulation of heat and damp in the body will not only make people feel weak and lethargic, but also cause indigestion. Most melons can clear away heat and damp, and are light and delicious. They are good foods for cooling and preventing heatstroke in summer, and they are also seasonal vegetables. Therefore, this is a great time to be a "people who eat melons"! Eat more melons to prevent heatstroke in summer, don't miss these 4 kinds of melons!

Winter melon: soup with meat and belt

Speaking of summer melons to cool off the heat, in addition to watermelons, the most reminiscent of winter melons.

Winter melon is the first dish for relieving heat, and it can clear away heat and diure water, promote body fluid and quench thirst. In addition, do not peel the skin when eating winter melon. The therapeutic effect of the skin is better than winter melon meat.

Winter melon meat with the skin and soup is a recipe that many people love to use when the heat is in full swing. It should be noted that people with deficiency of spleen and stomach and insufficient Yang Qi should not eat more.

Loofah: Peeled cold salad to clear away the heat

Loofah can be said to be a "good helper" for clearing away heat in summer. Loofah has a high water content, and it is easily digested and absorbed by the human body no matter if it is made in soup or fried food.

The peeled loofah can not only be served cold, stir-fried, but also can be used in soup, and it is not greasy to eat every day. It should be noted that people with weak spleen and stomach and easy indigestion should eat less.

Bitter melon: salt it first to reduce bitterness

In the bitter summer, I always think of bitter gourd unconsciously. Although its name and taste have the unpleasant "bitter" word, bitter gourd is rich in nutrients, and eating at this time is good for the body. Eating bitter gourd with cold can help appetite.

After washing the bitter gourd, remove the flesh, slice or cut into filaments. Boil water, add a teaspoon of salt and a little oil after boiling. Add bitter gourd silk and blanch for about 15 seconds. Rinse quickly and drain the water. Then add red pepper, green onion, minced garlic, light soy sauce, sugar, salt, vinegar, sesame oil and other spices according to personal preference and mix well.

It should be noted that bitter gourd is not suitable for everyone due to its cold nature, especially those with deficiency of the spleen and stomach should eat with caution.

Cucumber: Don't cut it with pat

Cucumbers are not only easy to eat, but also their nutritional value is more prominent in melons and vegetables. They contain a variety of vitamins, especially the high content of vitamin C. If you squeeze cucumber juice, the vitamins and other ingredients are also good for the skin. Cucumbers are low in calories and are "friendly" to those who need to control calories.

Cucumber meat and skin are eaten together, not only can fully absorb vitamin C, but also contains more bitterness, which is the essence of cucumber.

If you want to eat a refreshing cold cucumber, it is best to use a knife instead of cutting, which can reduce the loss of moisture and nutrients. Cucumbers are eaten raw or fried with meat, eggs, fish, and shrimps. They are the best vegetables in summer. Old cucumber soup can be used in summer to cool down.